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Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Can variables be used within Tiki Link paths and Category names?

posts: 11 United Kingdom

TikiWiki version 18.1 (InnoDB)

Hi all,

Can I please ask if variables can be used within Tiki link paths and Category names? For example: within Tiki links something like: link_name_$var1, and for Categories something like: ClientCatName_$var1?

My reason for asking is I’d like to have a standard menu which appears on all client pages and, depending on the menu option selected, and depending on the client page you’re currently on, would take you to sub-pages relating specifically to that client.

Currently, each time I set-up a new client page, to ensure a standard "look-and-feel" and to make sure the same (client-specific) menu appears on the initial, and all sub-pages, I take the following steps:

1) Create a new (client-specific) Category to ensure the new menu is visible on the new client page, and all it’s (menu driven) sub-pages
2) Clone an existing client menu
3) Update the menu name and all menu options from: blah_blah_clientA, to: blah__blah_clientB
4) Create the client-specific Menu module adding the Identifier of the new menu (under the Module tab), and adding the new Category name (under the Visibility tab) to ensure the new menu is available to all pages within this category

Whilst this approach works, I’m sure it’s not the most efficient method. Also, there’s the clutter aspect of my current method. By the time I’ve added even just a few more clients to our site, the list of Categories, Menus, and Modules will become unimaginably large, and will continue to grow; it also doesn’t make for a user-friendly method of maintaining client records.

Hopefully the explanation of my issue hasn’t been too confusing; please do let me know if there’s any other information I should provide (for security reasons, my site is entirely internal and so I cannot provide a URL).

Many thanks in advance for any help offered!

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