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Features / Usability

Page hit count not working

posts: 11 Australia

Some time ago the wiki page hit counters (as displayed by tiki-listpages.php) for our site stopped counting. I think this happened around 2 years ago when we upgraded from Tiki 14 to 15. All wiki page counters have been frozen ever since and any new pages we've created since that time show a hit count of zero. We have 2 separate Tiki sites (Production and Test) and both sites have exactly the same problem.

I have been assuming until now that this was some sort of bug with Tiki 15 but I've just finished upgrading our Test site from 15.4 to the latest version 18.1 and the counters are still frozen so now I'm wondering what's going on.

Has anyone else seen this problem or know if/how it can be fixed?

posts: 11 Australia

Thanks Bernard,

Its now fixed! 😊

Once you confirmed that it should work OK, I did a bit of searching through the code to see if I could find where the hit count incrementing was done in the hope of finding why it wasn't working for me. Looks like the incrementing is done in tikilib.php, and there's an admin preference setting that controls where it occurs or not. In 15.4, this setting is found in the Statistics panel, called "Stats". In 18.1, "Stats" is in the Features panel instead, but in both my Production and Test sites it was unticked. Now they're ticked and the hit counts are happily incrementing again.

Thanks very much for your help on this. It's great to have this issue fixed after such a long time. 😀