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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Wiki Page Inherit Category From Tracker Item

posts: 758 United States

I am currently using trackers to create items and associated wiki pages.
I am using "Category" field in the tracker. I have a list of categories to choose from, and when chosen, the tracker is appropriately indexed in the proper category chosen.
But the associated wiki page that was automatically created when the tracker item was submitted, does not categorize the same way, is there any way to allow the associated wiki page to categorize the same as the tracker item?

posts: 758 United States
Just bumping this to the top, in case folks missed it, seems I should be able to accomplish this.

posts: 8640 France

Sorry John, I wrote a very complexe answer but because of timeout it was deleted...

Some work were done in Trunk about category passed to a Wiki page but as I tested it is not what you need (unless I missed an option).

Still there are more complex options (search for category in the admin pref filter).

I’m sure other people may be interested, please can you post a wish in the wishlist.

posts: 758 United States
Bernard thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your time as always