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Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Upgrading from Version 17.0 to version 20.x --> /HomePage 404 page not found.

posts: 58

So I did the updagrade today from version 17 to the latest available stable version --> https://tiki.org/Download and I remove the older files from the server and uploaded the new package. I did take a copy og the img folder and incorporated that into the new pacakge + the /db/local.php. I ran the installer which reported that I needed to set php to 7.1 (which I did of course), I then continued the upgrade with seemed to run fine and did not give me any errors. After that I locked the install and boom (!), this message shows up and is displayed:
Error Upgrade[1]

I attempted to run the install/upgrade wizard and this time it reported that there was some encoding issues with the database and that it could fix that. So i ran the fix and the wizard reported that it went well and now I had "green lights". I ran the upgrade again hopefully that this would solve the issue, but to no avail, same error pops up after locking and attempting to load the front-page:
Error Upgrade[1]

So now I have no idea what to do. The error message doesn't really tell you anything..

Any of you guys here that have an idea on how to fix this?

Thanks a lot in advance!
Kind regards

posts: 58

Update. I did a new attempt and upladed a non modified package of only crips clean files and whop-ti! The upgrade went well and worked this time.
However I notied something that I think seems add before I ran the upgrade and started to work on upgrading the system. There was a .htaccess file that had 777 (not set by me for) and you could not change the permissions of that file. Her eis shot recording (with sound) that I just made:

After i deleted the whole installation and ran the new crisp upgrade that worked the file came back with the same permissions e.g. 777.

I deleted that file now and uploaded the old .htaccess file instead and change the permission of that file to a secure number. I will that cause issues that I used the older .htaccess file?

Thanks again.
kind regards

posts: 58

I also found with Filezilla ftp client this folder with permission 777:
Htacess Folder
which is completely inaccessible &invisible in C-panel file manager.

I have hard to to believe this is part of Tikiwiki together with the htaccess file with 777 mentioned in previous post, right? Or is it?

I have complete deleted the directory and created a new place on the server where I will upload the Tiki files and test.

Any thoughts/ideas?

kind regards

posts: 58

Well I think I solved the issue itself. Got it up and running... 😎

I deleted the whole old root folder and created a new one and reconfigured the server:

After that uploaded a new clean installation package and set the proper permissions on htaccess from the start (renames the default _htaccess to .htaccess) before running the upgrade/installation and now it works as it should.

Kind regards

posts: 8635 Israel


Sorry I’m coming after the battle. 😉

Instead of "renames the default _htaccess to .htaccess" you could have used :
sh htaccess.sh