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Tiki wiki menus

posts: 30
Can menus like the one shown on the screenshot by done using tiki wiki(like two pages menus)? If yes, how?
posts: 2430 Czech Republic
Serio Being wrote:
Can menus like the one shown on the screenshot by done using tiki wiki(like two pages menus)? If yes, how?

I think it can be done if you use the {include page=Foo} wiki-plugin as the menu option with wiki parsing on the menu enabled.

posts: 30
luciash d' being 🧙 wrote:
I think it can be done if you use the {include page=Foo} wiki-plugin as the menu option with wiki parsing on the menu enabled.

Can you please give a more detailed answer of how this plugin can be used? I am not quite understanding... I mean the point is to create mega menus

posts: 12

Just tried it out of curiosity.
It is indeed working quite well.
Made a new menu as described here
Activated wiki parsing for this menu.
Made a Major menu Option, in your case PRODUCTS with no link.
Then an intended menu option without link where i didnt put in Text as usual but the Plugininclude as described above (replace foo with a Tiki site where the required links for the Mega Menu are in).
This is really working. Lets find useful applications for it.

posts: 2430 Czech Republic

Hi Tobi,
I was about to post something along these lines for Serio, so thanks, that is great that you gave it a try and figured that out yourself!


slowtobi wrote:

Just tried it out of curiosity.
It is indeed working quite well.
Made a new menu as described here
Activated wiki parsing for this menu.
Made a Major menu Option, in your case PRODUCTS with no link.
Then an intended menu option without link where i didnt put in Text as usual but the Plugininclude as described above (replace foo with a Tiki site where the required links for the Mega Menu are in).
This is really working. Lets find useful applications for it.

posts: 30
slowtobi wrote:

Just tried it out of curiosity.
It is indeed working quite well.
Made a new menu as described here
Activated wiki parsing for this menu.
Made a Major menu Option, in your case PRODUCTS with no link.
Then an intended menu option without link where i didnt put in Text as usual but the Plugininclude as described above (replace foo with a Tiki site where the required links for the Mega Menu are in).
This is really working. Lets find useful applications for it.

Hello Slowtobi,
I followed all the steps above, but I am not getting the output I want. I think maybe the problem is with the links in the include plugin. Can you send me a screenshot of how the menu you created looks?
Thank you!

posts: 12

Sorry for the late answer,
Attached you find the screenshot of the testmenu.
Its just some buttons and 2 links, from the testpage.
The Menu with include:
Tikimenu Include

The options
Tikimenu Include Options

the tick for menu parsing
Tikimenu Include Parse

posts: 30
slowtobi wrote:

Sorry for the late answer,
Attached you find the screenshot of the testmenu.
Its just some buttons and 2 links, from the testpage.
The Menu with include:

The options

the tick for menu parsing

Thank you! It worked.

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