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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Features / Usability

Features / Usability

comments on blog posts

posts: 30

I have set up a blog on tiki. I have given the anonymous users the permissions to post comments, but still, anonymous users can't post. instead of showing the Post button it shows only this "enter code below" while there isn't any code.
Ps. I don't want the code below to be shown.

posts: 2430 Czech Republic
Serio Being wrote:

I have set up a blog on tiki. I have given the anonymous users the permissions to post comments, but still, anonymous users can't post. instead of showing the Post button it shows only this "enter code below" while there isn't any code.
Ps. I don't want the code below to be shown.

What Tiki version? To disable the anti-spam "code below" go to your Security control panel and look for anti-spam captcha to switch it off (not recommended).

posts: 30
luciash d' being 🧙 wrote:
What Tiki version? To disable the anti-spam "code below" go to your Security control panel and look for anti-spam captcha to switch it off (not recommended).

version 21

posts: 2430 Czech Republic
Serio Being wrote:
version 21

Works for me: https://demo.luciash.eu/tiki21x/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=1

Make sure you have PHP GD library (php extension) enabled and:

Global permissions:

Anonymous and all the children groups: tiki_p_read_blog (blogs)
Anonymous and all the children groups: tiki_p_read_comments (comments)

Anonymous and all the children groups: tiki_p_post_comments (comments)

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