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Features / Usability

Will Tiki work for this???

posts: 4


I am impressed with the versatility of Tiki, but have a question(s) that if someone would be kind enough to answer... it would sure cut my wondering time! I would really like a CMS system, but also need multiple levels of user authorization from visitor to paid subscription users to class participants. Can Tiki do it? Also, part of the site it querying a DB and displaying results. I know that Tiki again handles dynamic pages, but to that degree?

Thanks in advance for all assistance

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi There,

I run www.damosoft.co.uk which is a locked Tiki, by locked onto to clients. using the security groups. Each client can get access to only their own area.

tikiforge.org is a public site and again, as well as having public content, there are client groups, and each client login gets to secured areas.

Its certainly capable of it.

As to the database functions, look at PluginSQL

I've got some links to variation Tikis on my name page below.


posts: 4

Thanks Damian!!!

After I posted I figured out some of my questions, but I'm glad to know about the plugin! So far I'm sighing a big sigh of relief on finding Tiki! And you guys are great!