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Error uploading MS word docs into file gallery

posts: 43 New Zealand

🙁TikiWiki 1.8.2

When I try to upload a large(ish) word doc (1mb +) I get the following mysql error...
Warning: mysql error: MySQL server has gone away in query: insert into `tiki_files`(`galleryId`,`name`,`description`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype`,`data`,`user`,`created`,`downloads`,`path`,`hash`) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) in c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\tiki\lib\tikidblib.php on line 133 Values: Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => [2] => [3] => SADI User Guide v02.doc [4] => 987136 [5] => application/msword [6] => ???? ࡱ á> þÿ ƒ …

heaps of ms word doc content gooble gook in here

Microsoft Word Document MSWordDoc Word.Document.8ô9²q [7] => admin [8] => 1084318019 [9] => 0 [10] => [11] => 7ad06a019e49e9eb97f31c1b2815b817 ) $result is false $result is empty

any ideas please

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi There,

A default mysql installation only allows upto 1Mb to be stored into the database. You can solve this in two ways

  1. ) Edit your my.cnf file to allow greater than 1Mb limit, see mysql.com for details on that.
  2. ) Move your file galleries to file system storage.

Personally I always use file system storage, much safer and I believe wont lead to database corruption as easily.


posts: 43 New Zealand

Thanks Damian,

Your reply was as lightening speed as always!

I updated my "my.ini" file parameter (cos I'm using Windows - yeah yeah hold the applause🙄) to "max_allowed_packet=5M" and that worked! ...yaaay...

Specific details on this can be found at...

Or you can start at the begining on using options files in mysql at...


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Great Stuff

Thanks for posting the links too 😉
