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What is the best way to get a absolute URL?

posts: 34

I need to get a absolute URL for Tiki. ie, if Tiki is at http://www.address.com/tiki/index.php, how do I get the http://www.addreess.com/tiki/ part back. The tricky part appears to be getting the /tiki/ part. Is there something stored from tiki setup that has this info that I can get?

I looked in the tiki-send_blog_post.php file, but it returns the absolute address of the entire script. So in the example above it would include the index.php part.

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Run a phpinfo and check the server variables at the bottom.


posts: 34

> Damian:
> Hi
> Run a phpinfo and check the server variables at the bottom.
> Damian
I need to do this in code.

posts: 34

> Damian:
> Hi
> Run a phpinfo and check the server variables at the bottom.
> Damian
I need to do this in code.