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Features / Usability

Deleting multiple Tracker items throws security ticket error

posts: 15 Germany


whenever i want to delete multiple items at once in the trackers default list view, it does not work but throws a security check error.
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in Apache log in found:

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[Wed Aug 11 17:45:42.040311 2021] [proxy_fcgi:error] [pid 1395:tid 139697527432960] [client **ip_address**:44012] AH01071: Got error 'PHP message: **** Start CSRF error fromlocalhost ***** There was no security ticket submitted with the request. site_security_timeoutpreference:1440seconds(24 minutes) SCRIPT_NAME: /tiki-view_tracker.php REQUEST_URI: /tracker2 HTTP_ORIGIN: https://localhost:8443 HTTP_REFERER: https://localhost:8443/tracker2 REQUEST_METHOD: POST PHP message: $_GET: { "trackerId": "2" } Press [Enter] to continue: $_POST: { "action": [ "220", "221" ], "batchaction": "delete", "trackerId": "2", "act": "OK" } **** End CSRF error fromlocalhost *****', referer: https://localhost:8443/tracker2
posts: 15 Germany

No idea? 😑

This seems like a mayor bug for me.

posts: 8657 France
Chris wrote:

No idea? 😑

This seems like a mayor bug for me.

We are aware of false positive with "CSRF" and some developers are working on it to avoid such false errors. However you should be able to refresh and pass this error... unless there is something else somewhere in your tracker or Tiki.

I don't see this bug on my Tikis.

posts: 15 Germany

{QUOTE}However you should be able to refresh and pass this error{QUOTE}

Sorry, no. No way to bypass that error.