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Features / Usability

Can't find the "Category is mandatory" option - Tiki 24.0 LTS

posts: 17

Hello everyone,

in version 24.0 LTS I can't find the wiki option to make the category mandatory anymore.
I can see the category tab in the wiki editor, but I'm not able to make it mandatory in the options...

Is there another way to enable it?


posts: 3665 United States
MarcusS wrote:

Hello everyone,

in version 24.0 LTS I can't find the wiki option to make the category mandatory anymore.
I can see the category tab in the wiki editor, but I'm not able to make it mandatory in the options...

Is there another way to enable it?


I think you're looking for the Limit wiki page categories to those under this category option. See the docs for details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage

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posts: 17
Yes, that's the option I was looking for. Thank you! 😊

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