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Architecture / Installation

Problems upgrading from v26.1 to 26.2

posts: 100

I have a database created under v 26.1

When i go to upgrade to 26.2 i get about 8 warning messages such as :

"Warning :20231008_fix_primary_key_issues_on_several_tables_tiki, Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key on tiki_actionlog_conf tableWarning :20231008_fix_primary_key_issues_on_several_tables_tiki, Can't DROP INDEX `id`; check that it exists on tiki_actionlog_conf "

I can post the lot of necessary.

What am I doing wrong please? 😊

I have just created a brand new install of v 26.1 and then upgraded that database to v 26.2
with the same result as above.


posts: 1 Democratic Republic of the Congo
Marc Laporte wrote:
@Elvis ANSIMA Please advise

@Robuste you shouldn't worry about those warning, we had a back to back bug on 26.1 version, we changed the migration file and so those warning are expected when you upgrade, on a brand new tiki you shouldn't see this

posts: 100
Elvis ANSIMA wrote:
@Robuste you shouldn't worry about those warning, we had a back to back bug on 26.1 version, we changed the migration file and so those warning are expected when you upgrade, on a brand new tiki you shouldn't see this

Great thanks for getting back 😊
