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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Moving a TikiWiki Site from one domain to another

posts: 2 United States

Hello Ulrich,

Your problem may be twofold:
1) your database configuration still has the old domain defined as server_domain
2) your cache needs to be cleared

1) To solve #1, you must have a database manager installed, I presume phpMyAdmin.
Go to your database, and locate a table called tiki_preferences. You will find a row called server_domain, make this your domain name (or IP address) or leave blank. There may also be a different setting that tells Tiki a "fallback" address - make sure that's your new domain (or IP) too, or leave that blank.

2) to solve #2, clear your website cache using SSH command line on your server:
First, cd to your website root, like /var/www/html/yourwebsite/
Then execute the following (no need for sudo):
php console.php cache:clear

Your website will load as it should!
edit: typo

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