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Architecture / Installation

How to have the structure breadcrumb menu second level to stay open after click ?

posts: 8657 France


On a Wiki I have Wiki Structure and it display a breadcrumb at the top of the page to navigate.
When I click on a sub-page structure folder, it show (toggle) open the second level but the menu is now closed. 😳

The user can't see what he just open.

Any ideas to keep the menu open ?

posts: 4668 Japan

Hi Bernard,

I checked this behavior in the Tiki master branch and in Tiki 26, and the second level stays open (as do all levels), but Smartmenus is turned on in these sites, and I believe that's the reason it stays open. Do you want to try turning on Smartmenus? Of course this will affect your other Bootstrap menus, too.

-- Gary