Hello, I've been having difficulties upgrading a need a little sanity check.
Currently I have Tiki 25.3 running on Ubuntu Server. To upgrade to a newer version of Tiki I will need to upgrade PHP. I have PHP 7.4.xx and MySQL 8.0.xx.
Upgrade roadmap for me should be the following...
- Upgrade PHP from 7.4.xx to 8.4
- Leave MySQL as is
- Upgrade Tiki 25.3 to 28.0
- Configure PHP settings
I will be performing all of these functions remotely with no physical access to the machine. If I fail to upgrade to 28.0, I plan to revert back by downgrading PHP back to 7.4 and reloading Tiki 25.3.
Just one more thought, I'm not against paying someone to help me do this. I literally taught myself Linux server administration to run Tiki.