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Features / Usability

Arabic Support

posts: 3


just installed tikiwiki, but having a proplem with the arabic language.

i cant link to an arabic page.


when i try to add a new page, for example:


the page get add with no proplem , if i tryed to add a link to that page, for example:

hello go tho the page ???? now.

tikiwiki dose not convert that link to a real link.

when i add the page ????

posts: 3

hey 😀

its working here .

why is it not working on my site?

posts: 8654 France


It work also on one of my site (1.8.3) with hebrew page (same stuff 😊) and hebrew name for wiki page. Got some troubles with (( (the name was of the page was ((????? instead of ????? ). But the page was ok and the link worked on other pages.

Hope this help.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

There are options on Admin->Wiki to choose the character set of wiki links. I think it defaults to latin


posts: 3

Thanks 😊

its working fine now