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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


  • Lee

    An Accounting package is a fundamental feature and it should be included in Tiki. Reinventing the wheel sounds like a waste of time though. A fast search of ))SourceForgeproduced 63 Accounting packages that showed activity. Most of those are probably not written in PHP or useMySql((, but some of them should. One nice fact is that both Tiki and whatever package is selected would both benefit from a merger.

    The main question is - How Deep and Where do you want to go with this? A large percentage of Tiki users would probably answer that with - a Product dBase, Shopping Cart, & Money Transfers. That does sort of look like what you were asking for. Others - will want to sell Ad Space. A few would probably need more advanced features added as well. Multi-Currencies? Inventory Control? ERP? CRM?

    You might try Web-Erp. It is a WEB Based Integrated Accounting System featuring: Multi-currencies & inventory locations Sales Orders, Accounts Receivable, Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable, Standard costing & variances. PHP based, produces fast, efficient html for any OS.

    Me - I am building a community site. I will eventually need to sell Ad Space to stay alive. At the same time, I think that a user who spends 10/20/30 or more hours working on an Article or answering questions in a Forum deserves to be PAID! That means that every user should have a built in account.

    • Smits Dimitri

      To start off:
      there is a bannering module that you could use for advertising. I am not sure if you can embed it into articles through a module or on wiki pages, but you should check it out.

      I agree with all that this is a feature that can help a lot of users for various reasons. However, I do not think this is one of those packages that is needed for all (with the usual diskspace and filequota on hosting arguments) and thus might be a prime candidate for a TikiPackage experiment 😀.

      One other thing you should consider, Damian, is that you have different encodings for addresses. Maybe there should be done something in advance for localisation (not only display for the locale of the site, nor for the locale of the user, but also for the locale of the data you input!).

      To give an example, an address in Belgium is differently displayed than one in the UK/france/germany/the netherlands:

      '$streetname' '$streetnumber'/'$floor' bus '$postalbox',
      '$zip_code' '$city'

      I do not remember the complete addressspecifications for a UK address, but I remember that order was different, as well that there are countries that have unique postalcodes (zip_code) for every street in the country. There are some backwards countries (like Belgium 😀) that do not. Some have the zipcode before and some after the community/city and some have one of those missing.

      Before you start making something like that into reports, maybe you should think that through and try to find a way to get localisation going on ISO level (be = belgium, currency for it is EURO, currency format is either '- € ###.###.##0,00' or '- ###.###.##0,00 EUR', date/time formats are ...).

      You could then get a 'localisationtable' or file that has as id the ISO id (be for Belgium, fr for France, ...) and that allows you to get the localisation values for the formatting.

      mmm ... maybe not a bad idea to start TikiLocalisation on this remark.

      • Smits Dimitri

        damn, I really should start previewing comments ...

        the formatting is:
        '$streetname' '$streetnumber' {'$floor'} {bus '$postalbox'},
        '$zip_code' '$city'

        optional using square brackets conflicted with Wiki URL syntax appareantly

  • colorado

    GREAT! I have immediate need for a simple system I can use to send monthly statements and do automatic payment processing through PayPal. Getting something simple up and running quickly would be great.

    Please keep it simple, for users with simple needs. So many accounting apps make it too complicated to do the simple things!

  • Damian Parker

    Address is simply going to be text style for not, I'm not splitting it into lines etc.
    Localisation is all setup in the admin panel, i.e. currency and tax rates, your company name, registration number etc.

    I am also thinking to maybe link it into TikiJukebox aka DamoJuke to allow downloading of premium audio content, possibily also file galleries and image galleries could come as well. 😀

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