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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


  • smudley

    If it was fixed in 1.8.1, how come it is even a question in 1.8.2?
    Seems to me that if it was fixed, you wouldn't have to do all the mods!
    Am I missing something here?

    • Damian Parker

      Could be, as there are requirements to get the feature to work, like setting permissions and also enabling the User Messaging feature. Its a nasty feature IMHO, which does need a tidy up or some extra info when its enabled.
    • Russ Wilde

      The fix in 1.8.1 requires you to allow full and unmetered access to the messaging system to anonymous users. Which seems like a bad idea to me. With this fix, Anonymous can only contact the Contact User specified in administration > General. If they want to use the messaging system to irritate other site users, they have to sign up, then they have an e-mail address we can use to tell them to "Stop bothering my site users!" and we can log their session and IP address and Ban if they do bad bad things.

      Plus I think the fix for 1.8.1 was a bit pants really, more of a work-around. This is how it should have been fixed IMO.

  • joelg

    In 1.7 at least, once you have done all the things it says in the page above, Anonymous messages still won't work unless you set tiki-p-messages to "basic" and assign that to the group "Anonymous" in the permissions management screen. Actually, that seems a bit redundant to me!

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