

  • Philippe Cloutier

    Amiki, yen respondo quon me probis sendar ad IdoListo.

    Saluto Jean,
    Me en Kanada ya envidias EU kande me lektas tante bona novaji, pro ke exportaceri esas (kustumale richa) personi pluricheskante per minrichigado di sua landi, sive per materii-exportacado od explotado di sua homi, kompreneble tale augmentante la preci di vari pro diminuigo dil nombro di homi povanta employesar.
    La krulo di la valoro dil USD igas Kanadani pensar ke CAD bone standas, pro ke sua relativa valoro kompare USD augmentas, obliviigante a ni ke fakte la valoro di CAD anke diminuas, nur min quike. Regretinde, hike ye televiziono, € nur standas yel duesma rango lor la kompari por montrar evoluciono dil valoro dil CAD pro ke nia vicini esas Usani.
    Quale vu asertis, povra Usani ne tote povos irar ad Europa tante kam antee. Forsan, nia Usana samideani do venos vizitar ni en Kebekia vice irar ad Europa :-)
    Irgakaze, li certe pensos plu sorgoze lor la nexta Usana elekto pri ka on vere devas selektar prezidanto spensonte multa pekunio ne nur por ocidar Irakiani, ma anke ocidigonte sua propra (e segun dico importanta) armeo.

    Kompatanta saluti ad li koncernata, e bona matino ad altri.

  • Pat VDV

    Hey Philippe,

    Sorry to see you go! I think you were (and are) a highly value member of the Tiki community. Who's going to comment on all the SF bugs now and answer Tiki forum posts? eek You will be missed!



  • sylvie greverend

    We will miss you! et mon precieux correcteur d'orthographe va me manquer
    I understand entirely your position...
    Thanks for all the things you did on Tiki

  • Noavatar


    Sad to see you go ; you were very usefull in the tiki forum...

    Mais c'est la vie, et tu as raison de vouloir en profiter !!

    Thank you for all :o)


  • Damian Parker

    You are totally correct, Tiki should carry a health warning about its addiction. When I find the secret to 36 hour days I'll come and find you!


  • Gary Cunningham-Lee

    I was surprised to hear this news, but I know sometimes things can get out of balance and you have to get them right again. Thanks for your answers in the Tiki help forums. I was helped by them and I know a lot of other users must have been, too. Good luck with whatever comes next.

    -- Gary (chibaguy)

  • Marc Laporte

    Hi Cheal,

    Yes, Tiki is addictive, it's a challenge to keep a balance.

    Thank you very much for all your help with Tiki. Thank you very much for getting our trackers back under control and helping people in the forums and on IRC.

    Take care.

    M ;-)