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Welkom bij Tikiwiki !

Tiki CMS/Groupware, ook bekend als Tikiwiki, is een krachtig web-gebaseerd Groupware en Content Management System (CMS), dat gebruik maakt van PHP, ADOdben smarty. Het kan worden gebruikt om allerlei vormen van Webapplicaties te maken, Sites, Portals, Intranets en Extranets. Er kan bijvoorbeeld ook een GeoCMS (Geospatial Content Management System) mee gemaakt worden. Het wordt ontwikkeld door een groot aantal deelnemers die de Tikiwiki Community vormen.

Deze website bevat een gedeelte van de aktiviteit van deze comunity.
Kijk ook eens bij de recente documentatie bijdrage op http://doc.tiki.org, bekijk de TikiMovies, en kijk rond in Help. Deze website is erg groot, een beetje 'open' en vrijblijvend in zijn samenwerkings verband, dus wees niet verbaasd over de diversiteit van de 1500 wiki pagina's die hier te vinden zijn.


Op de ... dochter-site van tiki.org kunt u overigens ook in contact komen met de nederlandstalige Tiki gemeenschap. Iedereen is van harte welkom!

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Geregistreerde gebruikers : 20 000+ / 300+ als ontwikkelaars


Tiki 27.0 LTS: A Leap Forward for Collaborative Software

Gary Cunningham-Lee -
The Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware community is excited to announce the release of Tiki 27.0 LTS. This Long-Term Support (LTS) version, which promises to be a game-changer for those anticipating the feature enhancements, will be supported until June 2029.

Tiki 27.0 LTS is not a typical LTS release, which usually focuses on refining features rather than introducing major changes. This time, the Tiki developers have implemented significant updates, including Smarty 5 and a new build system. These enhancements are steps in a continuum, with more major changes coming in Tiki 28. The effort from Tiki 24 LTS to Tiki 27 LTS represents, by far, the most development work (quantity, complexity, and repayment of technical debt) that has gone into Tiki between any two LTS releases, including thousands of code commits and the most challenging PHP upgrade in Tiki's 20+ year history. Thanks to EvoluData and all the Tiki developers who made this possible.

This version supports PHP 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, along with MariaDB 10.5+ and MySQL 8+, ensuring compatibility with the latest server technologies.

Major enhancements

These are some of the features receiving major enhancements: Tiki's API functionality was expanded to support data and system management for Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Major changes were made in calendar event handling, recurring events, and the ability to specify periods of user availability when creating events and to specify appointment slots. And the Markdown editing experience was made more user-friendly while retaining compatibility with traditional Tiki syntax, via the TOAST UI editor. Webmail has also been enhanced as Cypht was upgraded from version 1.4x to 2.0x.

Continuous improvement

Along with the move forward in PHP version support, the Smarty template engine was updated from version 4 to 5. In other areas, the search feature, including semantic search, have been enhanced, and the onsite user-mentions feature has been improved with new features . . . .

My thoughts on Cypht Webmail

Marc Laporte -

Over the last 5 years, I have become increasingly involved in Cypht, an Open Source webmail client.

This project is awesome! It permits me to:

  • aggregate emails from various sources in one nice list
  • search throughout multiple accounts
  • move emails to the right account (work vs personal vs volunteer, etc.)
  • automate email management with Sieve filters
  • all via a web interface, so I have the same experience on all my devices (mobile or desktop)

WikiSuite is 13 years old!

Marc Laporte -

So I launched this 13 years ago! I am very pleased with the current state and progress. It will just get better and better as the community grows 😊

Here were the initial vision/goals/plans:

A slideshow: https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Slideshow
An interview (in French): https://wikisuite.org/Initial-Interview

It was originally called "Tiki Suite" as a suite of tools around Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, and also because suite also means next in French. So the next step for Tiki 😊

A giant in Open Source: Jonny Bradley's 10,000 Commits to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

Ndiwayesu -

In the dynamic realm of Open Source collaboration, where lines of code narrate tales of dedication, Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware stands out as a versatile and robust platform, empowering communities with a comprehensive suite of content management, collaboration, and communication tools. Within this vibrant ecosystem, Jonny Bradley reflects the spirit of community-driven projects. With over 10,000 commits to Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware, Jonny's journey represents more than a numerical milestone; it's a saga of commitment, growth, and the enduring power of shared passion.

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Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 15:49:26 GMT-0000

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