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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

Contributor Interview

1. State of Tiki - General criteria

How well/bad do you feel Tiki is doing for the following criteria? (ideally with an example of something good, and something which needs to be improved)

Do you see other criteria to be added or some criteria to be split/merged?

  • info.tiki.org / Promotion / Marketing / Public Relations
  • Features / Development / Stability / Interoperability
  • Install base / Adoption
  • Community / Volunteers / Free support
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Sites & infrastructure
  • Upgradeability
  • Money and Fundraising
  • Relations with the outside World / Standards / participation to events
  • Teams / Working groups / Special interest groups / local user groups / p2p leadership
  • Components / Platform independence / Code infrastructure / Architecture
  • Decisional structure / Governance / Guidelines / Rules / Strategic planning
  • Licensing / Legal
  • User Experience / Look & Feel / Themability / User interface / Usability / Ease-of-use
  • Extensibility / Expandability / Mashups / Integration with 3rd party apps & code reuse
  • Easy Hosting / SaaS / Hosted solutions / Wikifarm
  • Documentation
  • Performance / Scalability / Server load
  • Security
  • i18n / translations
  • Customizability / Hackability
  • Eating our own Dogfood
  • Long term sustainability / Future-proofness / Lock-in protection
  • Commercial support options / Paid support / Commercial opportunities
  • First impression / New users / Ease of installation
  • Integration of new contributors to the community
  • Migration to Tiki
  • Dashboard / Stats / Metrics / Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
  • Releases and packaging

2. State of Tiki - Use cases

How well/bad do you feel Tiki is doing for the following use cases? (ideally with an example of something good, and something which needs to be improved)

Do you see other use cases to be added or some use cases to be split/merged?

  • Web Publishing
  • Commerce / Finance / Membership
  • Collaboration / Project Management
  • E-learning
  • Social Networking / Community
  • Support / CRM / Knowledge base / Help Desk / Issue Tracker
  • Office Suite
  • Productivity / Personal Information Management (PIM)
  • Framework / App builder / Workflow / Online service
  • Production / ERP

3. What do you think should be the top priorities for Tiki in the coming years?

4. Here is a list of Tiki Teams. In which teams would you see yourself as 1- leading, 2- helping, 3- following or 4- just not interested

  • Packaging
  • Security
  • Profiles
  • Communications
  • Testing
  • i18n
  • Finance
  • Performance
  • Legal
  • User Experience (UX) & Themes
  • Quality
  • Wishlist
  • Documentation
  • Community
  • Consulting
  • Infrastructure
  • Developer

Page last modified on Thursday 11 October 2012 17:13:42 GMT-0000

Upcoming Events

1)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting