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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


Note: IrcHook doesn't work with current #tikiwiki channel's tikibot

Irc Hook is a word to put on a page so it can accept tikibot added comments..

  • to add a comment, use the command
    !T add PageName your comment : http://url.tld

the strings prefixed with http:// https:// and ftp:// will be auto-linked

For example :
colorado 2004/05/03 20:13 : colorado testing irchookt : http://tikiwiki.org
lphuberdeau 2004/05/03 01:16 : test...
mose 2004/05/02 23:14 : irc instant logs on http://irc.tiki.org
mose 2004/05/02 23:08 : another test
telenieko (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 23:06 : I also want to try 😯)
damian (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 23:02 : Tiki mods : http://mods.tiki.org
mose (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 22:59 : <lorinc> berryweb: if those are too technical, try these: http://www.heartbeat2000.com/
mose (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 19:26 : still working ?
mose (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 18:54 : the originial idea is from http://udoo.org/mamading
mose (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 18:53 : it rocks ! and it goes from up to down, too
mose (via tikibot), 2004/05/02 18:53 : just testing

IrcHook is a part of TikiBot made by mose

Page last modified on Friday 20 September 2019 16:04:51 GMT-0000

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