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What follows are my ideas about what has to be done about a new core for tikiwiki :

3 Rules

I wish to follow those 3 rules, and I also wish to convince anyone in tikiwiki community to respect those simple obvious rules :

  1. Preserve Environment
    Tikiwiki is a software and also a community. The mix of both, contextualized in the internet and the real life, is called The Environment. Any change in tikiwiki should take in account the more possible from this environment, to give changes of a balanced evolution respectful for humans and compuiters.
  2. Commit early, Commit often
    CVS is the central point in tikiwiki collaborative development. CVS commits have to be frequent even at first stages to offer an opportunity of interaction beetween contributors. It provides more chances for transversal communication in benefit of the respect of environment.
  3. Make it optionnal
    Tikiwiki is used in various contexts and its modularity is very appreciated. Preserve it by making most of your changes optionnal, accessible for tuning to the admin at least, via admin panels.

New Core

Now, about a new core, my opinion is that it's a lot of work and it would break the environment consistency. Such break can be prepared, managed and overcome, with a lot of energy and only after a long stay in the environment to be able to feel it. Many core are proposed by people that have a small karma amount (how can someone feel an environment before getting some dust on his boots ?).

I wish to take occasion of changes in php5 about classes to try a refactoring of libs, but the timescale is not defined, it's only an idea.

My current work is to optimize and/or enhance what exists, make features communicate with each other more fluently, improve tikiwiki stability, security, modularity, speed and resource saving.

Page last modified on Wednesday 14 January 2004 02:05:50 GMT-0000

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