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Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
Time in your timezone (when this page was last reloaded): Friday 28 March 2025 17:35:51 UTC
Time will be set by participants vote:
Next Roundtable
See Webinars for a detailed description.
Bug fixing session
Regression confirmed and reproduced (instance)
- Wrong error message on Group creation - fixed by jonny
- Unassigning several users from a group fail - fixed by asa
- Tracker field creation failed as special characters are omitted (and not replaced as previously) - fixed by asa
- Menu top item that have sub item are not clickable anymore - closed
- Menu level are not working
- WYSIWYG table editor is broken (lf are converted into 3 "%"
Other Regression
- Missing fields in tracker plugin templates
- Draw (SVG-edit) feature "no route found" - Works OK in the show instance ( so my problem must have been a local glitch. I'll update the bug report.
- Not possible to create a survey anymore - closed
- I can't change a field of type "attachment" to any other kind of field. - fixed by asa
Regression that may require more than a bug fixing
- Drag & Drop zone for uploading an image changed to text field ? - this is inside elFinder, and probably an UX choice and not a bug. Probably not being handled before 18.0 release.
1st hour quick news
- Fosdem last news
Second hour, longer topics
- Tiki 18 Release
Chat log
Pages related to this one
One page links to Roundtable Meeting 2018 01