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Tiki Suite SaaS

One of the key benefits of Tiki Suite is that you can install on your infrastructure. See Tiki Suite Hardware.

However, some people prefer a fully Software as a service approach. (aka "on demand")

There will be an eco-system with multiple vendors, with various offers. Some could specialize in certain markets and/or offer things that other vendors don't do (ex.: phone support in Arabic).

One of the key developments will be to improve "SaaS-ability" of the components and of the Tiki Suite as a whole. For example, a Tiki Suite on demand vendor may want to have a pricing model per user. Tiki has historically never needed this. It's always been unlimited accounts and the only limitation was the hardware Tiki is running on.

We'll be encouraging hosting providers of Tiki Suite components.

Why you should offer Tiki Suite components as SaaS

(ask Marc)

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Tiki Suite on demand
Tiki Suite on-demand

Page last modified on Friday 07 November 2014 17:03:09 GMT-0000

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