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Tiki Wikipedia Entry

One of the tasks of the Communications Team is an overhaul of the TW Wikipedia entry. Let's use this page to collaboratively re-write Tiki's page!

Note: The entry is created using Mediawiki syntax (to facilitate an easy cut/paste into Wikipedia).

Some examples:

Got some feedback on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Marclaporte

Wikipedia Entry

One of the tasks of the Communications Team is an overhaul of the TW Wikipedia entry. Let's use this page to collaboratively re-write Tiki's page!

Note: The entry is created using Mediawiki syntax (to facilitate an easy cut/paste into Wikipedia ).

Some examples:

Got some feedback on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Marclaporte

{{Infobox Software
| name = TikiWiki CMS/Groupware
| logo = [[Image:Tikiwiki logo.svg|160px]]
| screenshot = [[Image:Tiki_4_2_default_homepage.png|250px]]
| collapsible = yes
| caption = Tiki 4.2 default homepage screenshot (using Strasa theme)
| author =
| developer = Tiki Software Community Association
| released = 2002-10-09
| latest release version = 4.2
| latest release date = {{release date|2010|3|5}}
| latest preview version = 5.0 Beta
| latest preview date = {{release date|2010|4|7}}
| operating system = [[Cross-platform]]
| programming language = [[PHP]]
| platform =
| language = http://tikiwiki.org/i18n Multilingual (30+)
| status = Active
| genre = [[Wiki software]] / [[Content Management System]] (CMS) / [[Geospatial Content Management System]] (GeoCMS) / [[Groupware]] [[web application]]
| license = [[LGPL]]
| website = http://tikiwiki.org


TikiWiki CMS/Groupware, originally and more commonly known as TikiWiki or simply Tiki, is a [[free and open source software|free and open source]] [[wiki]]-based, [[content management system]] written primarily in [[PHP]] and distributed under the [[GNU Lesser General Public License]] (LGPL) license.<ref>http://info.tiki.org/Fact+Sheet TikiWiki Fact Sheet</ref> In addition to enabling websites and portals on the internet and on intranets and extranets, TikiWiki contains a number of unique collaboration features allowing it to operate as a Geospatial Content Management system or Groupware web application.

TikiWiki includes all the basic features common to most CMSs such as the ability to register and maintain individual user accounts within a flexible and rich permission / privilege system, create and manage menus, RSS-feeds, customize page layout, perform logging, and administer the system. All administration tasks are accomplished through a browser-based user interface.

TikiWiki features an all-in-one design, as opposed to a core+extensions model followed by other CMSs. This allows for future-proof upgrades (since all features are released together), but has the drawback of an extremely large (more than 1,000,000 lines) codebase.

TikiWiki can run on any computing platform that supports both a web server capable of running PHP version 4.3.5+ (including Apache, IIS, Lighttpd, and nginx) and a MySQL database to store content and settings.<ref>http://doc.tiki.org/requirements TikiWiki Requirements</ref>

TikiWiki has been hosted on SourceForge.net since its intial release (Release 0.9, named Spica) in October 2002.<ref>http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=03d001c27eb8%24e6e4ed00%243800a8c0%40deathstar&forum_name=tikiwiki-devel SourceForge project annoucement</ref> It was primarily the development of Luis Argerich (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Eduardo Polidor (São Paulo, Brazil), and Garland Foster (Green Bay, WI, United States).

In July 2003, TikiWiki was named the SourceForge.net July 2003 Project of the Month<ref>http://sourceforge.net/potm/potm-2003-07.php SourceForge Project of the Month</ref>. In late 2003 a fork of TikiWiki was used to create TikiPro, later renamed Bitweaver<ref>http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/Roadmap Bitweaver Roadmap</ref>.

In 2008, TikiWiki was named to EContent magazine's Top 100<ref>http://www.econtentmag.com/Articles/ArticleReader.aspx?ArticleID=40160&IssueId=490&PageNum=4 EcontentMag.com Top 100</ref> and in 2009 TikiWiki adopted a six-month release cycle and announced the selection of a Long Term Support version. Currently TikiWiki Release 3.x is used for LTS.

In 2010, the Tiki Software Community Association was formed as the legal steward for TikiWiki. Previously, the entire project was run entirely by volunteers, loosely organized in a do-ocracy. The Tiki Software Association is a not-for-profit entity established in Canada.

The name TikiWiki is written in [[CamelCase]], a common Wiki syntax indicating a [[hyperlink]] within the Wiki. It is most likely a [[compound word]] combining two [[Polynesia]]n terms, [[Tiki culture|Tiki]] and [[Wiki]], to create a self-rhyming name similar to wikiwiki, a common variant of wiki.

Tiki also forms the [[backronym]]: 'T'ightly 'I'ntegrated 'K'nowledge 'I'nfrastructure <ref>http://info.tiki.org/Fact+Sheet</ref>

Major components
TikiWiki provides components in these general categories:

  • 'Content Creation and Management Tools' These features enable administrators and users to create, display, and maintain online-accessible content of all kinds, including text, binary data, images, links, and much more.
  • 'Content Organization Tools and Navigation Aids' These features enable administrators and users to organize, structure, and present content in a manageable way. Major features within this component include:
    • Wikis
    • Blogs
    • Forums

  • 'Communication Tools' These features enable administrators and users to communicate with each other (and the outside world) by means of numerous media, including internal messaging, voice telephony, data interchange, and many more. Major features within this component include:
    • Watches (notifications)
    • Mail-in
    • Intra-system messaging
    • Mobile

  • 'Configuration Tools and Administration Tools' These features enable administrators (and users who have been given the appropriate permissions) to configure and administer all aspects of a TikiWiki site. Major features within this component include:
    • Feature enabling
    • Site customization and personalization

In addition, TikiWiki allows each user to choose from several different pre-defined visual styles/themes/skins. These themes are implemented using [[Cascading Style Sheets|CSS]] and the open source [[Smarty]] template engine (which is included in the TikiWiki installation). Additional themes can be created by the TikiWiki administrator for branding or customizing the look of their website, but requires familiarity with CSS and Smarty.

Tiki is an international project, supporting many languages. The default interface language in Tiki is English/en, but any language that can be encoded and displayed using the [[utf-8]] encoding can be supported.<ref>http://tikiwiki.irg/i18n Tiki i18n (Internationalization) and languages</ref> Translated strings can be included via an external language file, or by translating interface strings directly, through the database.

Tiki also supports interactive translation of actual wiki pages and was the initial wiki engine used in the Cross Lingual Wiki Engine Project.<ref>http://wiki-translation.com/Cross+Lingual+Wiki+Engine+Project Cross Lingual Wiki Engine Project</ref> This allows Tiki-based web sites to have translated 'content' — not just 'interfaces'.

Implementation technologies
TikiWiki is developed primarily in [[PHP]] with some [[JavaScript]] code. It makes extensive use of a [[database]], with [[MySQL]] being the primary supported platform. Older versions of TikiWiki could be used with additional databases (with varying levels of support) via the [[ADOdb]] [[database abstraction layer]].

TikiWiki will run on any server, including [[Apache HTTP Server|Apache]] and [[Microsoft]]'s [[Internet Information Services|IIS]], that provides PHP 5 and the supported databases. TikiWiki components use other open source projects, including [[Zend Framework]], [[Smarty]], [[jQuery]], [[xajax]], [[ADOdb]], HTML Purifier, [[FCKeditor]], HawHaw, phpCAS, FeedCreator, PHP Layers Menu, Morcego, and [[Mapserver]].


steep learning curve

feature bloat

quality control/testing/review

spaghetti code


Project team
The TikiWiki Software Association, a not-for-profit entity established in Canada, provides legal protection and overall direction for the project. More than 400 developers<ref>http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=64258 SourceForge.net member list</ref> have contributed code to the project, making it one of the largest open-source teams in the world, and Tiki ranks in the top 2% of all project teams on Ohloh.<ref>http://www.ohloh.net/p/tikiwiki/factoids/ Ohloh.net</ref>

TikiWiki continues to be one of the most active projects on SourceForge, consistently ranking in the top 15 in terms of SVN code commits<ref>http://sourceforge.net/project/stats/rank_history.php?group_id=64258&ugn=tikiwiki SourceForge.net</ref>. On average, there is a new code-commit every two hours.

High-profile websites built with TikiWiki

See also

  • [[Comparison of wiki software]]
  • [[List of content management systems]]

External links

{{Wiki software}}

[[Category:Free wiki software]]
[[Category:Open source content management systems]]
[[Category:PHP programming language]]
[[Category:Semantic Wiki]]
[[Category:Blog software]]

[[Category:2002 software]]
[[Category:Cross-platform software]]


Page last modified on Saturday 06 April 2024 15:46:51 GMT-0000

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6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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