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Custom Share Module 0.1dev



While developers may not all agree (any constructive opinions are welcome 😊 with the details in this proposal, is it fair to say that a Tiki Core and Extension API is badly needed? Since this is a time-consuming and difficult undertaking, we need to discuss this, come to a conclusion, and begin a new CVS branch to implement this ASAP. The longer we wait, the more bloated and disorganized Tiki becomes, and the more difficult the core implementation!

Tiki Core Components

Note: Core services do not offer any user interface — just API. All user interface managed by corresponding extension... or some core extension — it is extension like all others.

Extensions Management

  • Scan for new/removed extensions
  • Maintain extensions table — i.e. sync DB table and actualy present files
  • Execute extension installation/uninstallation routinues
    • Install can include DB operations (adding new entries to existing or create new tables)
    • Also EM can install/uninstall packaged extension (what format?)
    • Maybe some consistency checking? I.e. detect broken installation of extension package or core files and warn user.
    • Even more crazy: check signature (package or individual files) — for high secured Tiki sites
  • API for extensions
    • get list of installed/enabled extensions
    • is_installed('extension') / is_enabled("extension")
  • There is no other way except core API for one extension to get (and work with) instance of another
  • List of capabilities of extensions, like functions that give extensions to the system for the use of other sections
  • Prerequisites (things that have to be installed to make it work, i.e. other extensions)
  • Conflicting extensions/capabilities (something that would be nice to avoid, but probably is not possible, i.e. 2 extensions that give the same capability but in a different way, or use the same table/field in a exclusive way)
  • smth else?

Objects and Permissions Management

  • Every extension may 'register' new object type it work with (can produce)
  • Tiki Core Objects — can't be unregistered (existed even if no extensions installed)
  • Every object in system belongs to some category (possible more than one). By default it is equal to Root (Top) and maybe reassigned by admin later.
  • All Tiki objects belongs to ))GlobalObjectsTree((
    • There is special containers in this tree
      • Users/Groups — core objects represent users and goups. Assigning permissions to whole container mean that user granted rights to manage other users or gorups.
      • Installed Extensions — list all installed extensions here. Grant permissions mean that user can manage (configure) some extension (or all of them if container permissions applied)
      • Categorized Objects — application objects (like wiki pages, articles, FAQs, etc.) and categories. This is a categories tree in nowdays Tiki.
  • Permissions can be granted on Root of GOT or any other node/leaf of this tree
  • Permissions can be granted to user or group (role, smth else?)
  • Permissions given on some container will be inherited by all containers and objects below
  • Permissions can be revoked on some low level even if upper level grant such permisions... So we r talking about effective permissions != assigned.
  • Maintain ACLs as internal run-time data structures
  • Evaluate user permissions on given object
  • API for extensions
    • manage user/group permissions on objects or categories ...)/revoke(...
    • check user permissions (is_granted(...)), evaluate permissions
    • list of permissions with description
    • extend core rights with extension's addon
    • object_type (user/group) and object_id (maybe name will be enough) should be passed as arguments to all permission functions, so API can be used for 'effective permissions' evaluation (i.e. w/o relogin admin can check what permissions granted to another user/group — of couse if admin interface will allow this 😊
  • API for user management
    • create/delete users
    • enum users
    • get/set user info (core attributes like name, smth else...)
    • get/set user preferences — map key => value
  • API for goup management
    • create/delete gorups
    • list groups
    • add/remove/list members
    • get/set group info (core attributes)
  • Work with core objects and permissions from extension should be possible only through API so future changes (even rewrite) of PM subsystem possible, with unchanged external API interface of couse.
  • More effective instead of permissions is to use rights...
  • ... and take Tiki to another level of <del>permissions</del> rights management 😊
  • Mass user operations
    • Admin (user with 'a' on users container) can set/change properties of more than one user at one operation...
    • ... so admin can assign any property to user(s)... from module in interface to change theme...
    • Is it reasonable to talk about 'policies' (like Windowz policies) applied to user?

Integrated Debugging/Logging Facility

  • Need to have builtin debugging API
    • Good candidates are non-interface methods of Debugger class.
  • Is smth like `strace` can be good? (to trace API calls sequence)
  • Maybe some performance (profiler) couters can be implemented... to measure how long we execute 'core calls' and 'user calls'
  • Is it reasonable to add log to Tiki?
    • Admin may want to see whats happening (in details) while he sleep 😊 — so Tiki may record user activity to log...
      • it may be not just 'wiki page updated' or 'forum created'...
      • but some admin option changed (to help to investigate 'who touch that checkbox' 😊
    • Also (depending on verbose level) some extensions may spam info here...
    • Can be implemented as separate file (to helps grep/mail it 😊 or as DB table

Core Abstractions

DB Layer

  • Handle queries to configured DB and return results to PHP
    • DB abstraction team plz append more details here 😊


  • Every custom extension should inherit from ))TikiExtension(( class
  • Can have install/uninstall procedures
  • Can be enabled/disabled
  • Can provide entries to dynamic menu
  • Can draw extension configuration page when required, load and save configuration data
  • Can draw 'module' (yes it is module box in nowdays Tiki) — it can be the only that extension do 😊 — then ))TikiExtensioncalledTikiModule((
  • Can provide API for other extensions
  • Can use API of other extensions (get another extensions instance before via core API)
  • 'Core' Extensions — builtin extensions

Extension Examples


Architecture notes

  • Of couse OO used to implement all core services
  • Class TikiCore contain no valued code! It is just facade class (see design patterns) for core components (like EM, OPM, DBL, ...) which is of couse classes too...

Design Notes

  • It is needed to specify core CSS styles and common layout to make Tiki interface in one styled design. Common elements can be:
    • forms (dialogs)
    • tables with result records (with 'even'/'odd' TD styles now)
    • 'modules' (boxes at left or right)
    • smth else?
  • WYSIWYCAWhat You See Is What You Can Access — as defined by mose, and with what I fully agree...
    • Nothing on screen should appear that user can't click (or if click got error)
    • To implement strict permissions checking needed everywhere
      • checking rights(TikiCoreWhisheslist) can be much easier 😊

See also

  • TikiDesintegration — more ideas from gmuslera
  • UserPagezaufi — another bunch of ideas
  • BeastRiderIdeas — Content Management from an Elder's Perspective
  • TikiCorePrototype — random thoughts by zaufi on core
  • TikiInstallFeatureDev — a package installer/upgrader (gongo)
  • TikiPackager — a package creator (especially helpful for developers that want to make packages) (gongo)
  • TikiPackageRemover — thoughts on how to remove installed packages later-on (gongo)

Page last modified on Friday 14 November 2003 08:43:27 GMT-0000

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