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Custom Share Module 0.1dev



Tuesday April 22 - Friday April 25 2014


Synergiq Solutions Office, Toronto
Suite 402, 40 Holly Street, Toronto, Ontario

Lots of working space, boardroom, couch, tables. There is a large screen TV in the boardroom and a webcam so we can see everyone.

and Online on Live.


This TikiFest is all about solidifying Tiki 13 for the alpha release. Since there are a lot new in Tiki 13, Tiki13 this is a critical time for us to final sprint towards the alpha.

Overall coordinator: Nelson Ko.


Please put yourself in one or more of the following teams and indicate:

  • dates you are available
  • if you are attending in Toronto or online.

Bootstrap team

  • luci (online)
  • Gary (online all day every day except for Friday where he might have to wrap up early)
  • Patrick Prouix (in Toronto)
  • Sendhil (online) (all dates)
  • gezza (online)

Core dev team

  • Nelson Ko (in Toronto) (all dates)
  • Jonny (online only i'm afraid, will try to attend as much as possible)
  • Mani (online) (all dates)
  • LP Huberdeau (all dates)

Profiles team

  • Xavi (online)

Installer team

Language team

Testing team

  • Jean-Marc Libs (online) (Apr 20-22 only)
  • Pascal St-Jean (Toronto) (all dates)
  • Bernard Sfez (online) (tuesday all day, other days mainly morning)

Release team

  • Bernard Sfez (online) (tuesday all day, other days mainly morning)


Current time in Toronto: (if you are on HTTPS you will probably see nothing)

All times below are EDT (Eastern DAYLIGHT SAVING Time, UTC -4 hours). Apologies for this being wrong on the first day.


0930h - 1000h: Welcome and introductions.

1000h - 1100h: Gary and Patrick to provide an update on the status of Bootstrap, what is still left to be done, what are blockers and what are nice-to-haves (for Tiki 13), and what kind of stuff we can work together on this Tiki fest.

1100h - 1200h: LP and Jonny to provide an update on the major changes and new features in Tiki 13, what needs testing, what changed and might have risks of regression, and what kind of testing or bug fixing we can do on this Tiki fest. See:

1200h - 1230h: People volunteer for tasks.

1200h - 1300h: Lunch. We can decide during the break what we would like to work on (people online connected as well).

The afternoon (or other time before the next day - people in Europe can work on their own timezone):

The following are being worked on:

  • Bootstrap
  • Testing and debugging of new features/changes etc...

Tuesday Review

BBB Log:

  1. (5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398174355557/presentation
  2. (1.5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398192469181/presentation

  • nextdev and nextdoc are live (since yesterday actually). We should do testing there tomorrow.
  • LP reviewed composer libs - lots of MB reduced
  • LP deprecated profilelib/search shell.php
  • Luci helped with bootstrappification of some tpls related to registration
  • JM cleaned up more en->en language strings
  • LP fixed help dialogs
  • Gary more CSS styles
  • Gary -> preliminary Fivealive Bootstrap theme
  • LP fixed cookietab=x problem
  • toggler problem unable to reproduce - more specifics required, could it be other js error causing side effect?
    • To reproduce try to add a module with flip=y then go to home page and try to toggle it, the action on the flip icon javascript:icntoggle('mod-since_last_visit_newleft1','module.png'); does not work anymore
  • Patrick testing Synergiq sites.
  • Patrick bootstrappifying table in the change password screen on first install
  • Gary working on admin panel Apply buttons? (tks Gezza for bring this up). -> gezza working on this, commited include_look.tpl as benchmark, if ok, will do the rest of the tpls
  • elfinder problem is identified to be a style issue, some moz-xxx styles in Bootstrap overriding elFinder classes causing buttons to be too small (hence can't see icons)


0930h - 1030h: Various teams report back on status from yesterday, define and volunteer for new tasks for today.

1030h - 1100h: Introduction to external libs upgrade by Nelson, as well as request for volunteers to help Language team. Tasks are taken up in order to upgrade and test different external libs.

1100h - 1300h: work starts for various teams (to maximize interaction during time where most people are online at the same time)

1300h - 1400h: Lunch

The afternoon (or other time before the next day - people in Europe can work on their own timezone)

  • Bootstrap
  • Testing and debugging of new features/changes etc...
  • Upgrading external libs

Wednesday Review

BBB Log:

  1. (5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398259681516/presentation
  2. (5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398278051518/presentation


0930h - 1030h: Various teams report back on status from yesterday, define and volunteer for new tasks for today.

1030h - 1100h: Introduction to profiles and installer work by Arild & Xavi. Tasks are taken up for this part. See:

1100h - 1300h: work starts for various teams (to maximize interaction during time where most people are online at the same time).

  • External libs work continues

The afternoon (or other time before the next day - people in Europe can work on their own timezone)

  • Bootstrap
  • Testing and debugging of new features/changes etc...
  • Upgrading external libs
  • Installer/Profiles

Thursday Review

BBB Log:

  1. (5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398346360758/presentation/
  2. (30') http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398364587885/presentation/

  • Tiki13 updated
  • Please file all Tiki 13 bugs/requests to the bug (i.e. wishlist) tracker
  • Lots of bootstrap work done, libs upgraded, things were a little broken while it was being done but looks like mostly working again now.
  • Separate team consisting of Xavi, Jonny, Bernard and Luci released Tiki 12.1 beta
  • Evert from Sabredav got "read-only" webdav working with Tiki using SabreDAV replacing our current libs.
  • LP got ClearOS working, and LDAP working with ClearOS. Peter from ClearOS continue working on getting Groups integration code to work with LDAP.


0930h - 1030h: Various teams report back on status from yesterday, define and record follow-up tasks/actions for after the Tikifest.

1030h - 1230h: Discussion on how to address the growing list of things that need to be done and organized in the Tiki community, i.e. ways to meet this need for resources, and/or reduce the amount of work that need to be done, and/or be more effective and well-coordinated to achieve our goals as a Community.

Lunch followed by gradual wind down of Tikifest as some people will be travelling.

Friday Review

BBB Log:

  1. (5h) http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398432162497/presentation/&t=1h6m2s&t=1h11m57s
  2. (30') http://recordings.blindsidenetworks.com/citadelrock/d559965849921585c1849af03b7a51638700d979-1398450193645/presentation

(uncomplete list; please improve)

  • SWOT analysis was reviewed, and some options discussed.
    • Since there was some sort of agreement that it would be interesting to explore how to implement the "opportunity" listed to offer free tiki site for new admins (reusing code and experience from show.t.o linked to dev.t.o), Xavi indicated that he would explore that option further, and that he had already started to schedule online mettings with amette and jyhem about it. Nelson offered some economic support if that meant at som epoint solving some critical factor to get a test going.
  • Nelson agreed to see Teams in Tiki as one of top priority topics to facilitate that new people can join the community in effective ways.
  • ...
  • Nelson reported that in order to have Teams in Tiki work effectively as organic groups, some Data Channels of Nelson's company can be reused into Tiki's main code base (through workspace UI or by other means) to have better Organic Group behavior at least in Tiki14.
  • Some discussion was held about the Profiles Wizard and a proposal of refactoring started, to follow the discussion in the previous Webinars about this topic. Xavi informed that will perform the refactoring based on this idea as a starting point within the next days.
  • Tiki13 is now being prepared for the release. Once Tiki 12.1 is released in the week of Tiki 28 Apr 2014, we are then ready to create the 13.x branch, and then the first alpha for Tiki 13 can be released shortly after this branching, and aim is to have final release by second week of June. The release coordinators are Bernard Sfez and Nelson Ko.



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6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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