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How to use the forum

When you first arrive at the forum page (after clicking on the "discussion forum" link in one of the different language menus), you will see a list of interventions on the forum. It will look something like this:

How to intervene in the forum

If you want to post a new intervention yourself, then click on the link indicated by "2" above (Show Post Form) and you will see this:

How to read visitors' interventions

If you click on the link indicated by "1", then you will open that intervention to see what comments this visitor has made on the site.

How to comment on a previous intervention

If you click on the link indicated by "1", then you will open that intervention to see what comments this visitor has made on the site.

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Page last modified on Thursday 09 September 2004 13:56:30 GMT-0000

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Tiki Roundtable Meeting
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Tiki Roundtable Meeting
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4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting