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Custom Share Module 0.1dev


What I'm up to?
  • Adding PODCAST support to Tiki
  • Figuring out trackers (where's the documentation?)
  • Learn Tiki from a users' perspective
  • Setup my Tiki and get it on the net: stovenour.net
  • Evaluate how to use Tiki at work
  • Figure out how to use group permissions
  • Document Debian Woody installation for tikiwiki.org. I know that there are warnings about using PHP 4.1.2 with Tiki 1.8 but I can't seem to find any issues so far.
  • Finish securing my server so I can put it on the net

  • Programming in about any language (the more the better!)
  • Running my own server just for fun
  • Anything electrical or mechanical (yes I have the nack)
  • Home automation
  • Voice Over IP (what I do for a living)

Pages I'm tracking


CSRF Warnings with IE
  • Some versions of Internet Explorer may exhibit rather nasty CSRF issues. The problem has been traced to the Content Advisor function of IE. While the exact reason is still unknown, it is clear that IE content advisor function may request the same pages multiple times causing the CSRF problems. Selecting the CSRF “confirm? button does not work. Also there have been problems reported where users can not login to a valid user account.
  • The solution is to disable Content Advisor in IE. You can find those settings by navigating on the window menu to Tools / Internet Options. Select the content tab. There you should select the “disable? button. If you do not see a “disable? button but do see an “enable? button, then content advisor is not turned on and you must have some other issue.
  • This problem was specifically reported with this version of IE 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2.030422-1633 but will likely affect other versions as well

My Sites

I have two sites. One is at work and will never be publicly accessible. The other is my personal server just for fun stovenour.net.

Test of URL Links

Power Management - 6-Channel DMX Dimmer - Works using ~np~ inside the []; check the page source

Power Management - 6-Channel DMX Dimmer - Broken Notice the <br> </br> in the file name portion of the link when you hover

Page last modified on Monday 20 November 2023 17:54:21 GMT-0000

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Tiki Roundtable Meeting
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Tiki Roundtable Meeting
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4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting