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This feature is an enhancement to the wiki rename feature.

  • automatically set up an alias to old wikipage
  • option is off by default 😊
  • outside links to wikipage don't get a 404

Suggested fix

  • create a new database table (we'll call it pageAliasesTable in this document) to hold the old and new page names
  • if index.php finds that page doesn't exist, search the the "old" column of the table for a match to the supplied page name
  • generate an "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permenantly" response, giving the new location (obtained from the "new" field of that database entry) to the web client. (see w3.org STD1 for error 301 implementation details)

How I propose the rename feature would work:

rename algorithm (pseudocode)

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if (the new_name already exists as a valid page) { promptForAlternativeName return } // if there used to be a page with this name if (the new_name exists in the "old" column of the table) { // if we are moving the page back to an older location if (the "new" field for that row matches the existing_name) { database.pageAliasesTable.deleteTheRow // this catches files that have been renamed more than once searchAndReplaceAllInstancesOf( existing_name with \\ new_name in the "new" column) renameThePage database.pageAliasesTable.addARow(old="old_name", \\ new="new_name") return } else { promptForAlternativeName return } // this catches files that have been renamed more than once searchAndReplaceAllInstancesOf( existing_name with \\ new_name in the "new column" ) renameThePage database.pageAlaisesTable.addARow(old="old_name", \\ new="new_name") // end

The create/editpage and deletepage features would also need changing to check if the page used to exist and either prompt for an alternative name or update the (proposed) pageAliasesTable table.

A nice additional touch would be to add a row to the database with "new" set to null whenever a page is deleted permanently (perhaps add a "permanent" checkbox to the delete page). Then index.php could generate an HTTP/1.1 410 Gone error rather than 404. This causes smart clients to delete bookmarks to the page and smart external wikis to mark the link as invalid.

You could even implement a feature very much like blog pings/trackbacks so that a local Tiki could validate and keep track of links to an external Tiki page and the external Tiki could provide a backlink to our (trackable) local Tiki page (when our page is renamed or deleted, the external Tiki can take the appropriate action). How cool would that be! It could become a strong incentive for admins to deploy further Tiki instances in preference to alternative Wikis.

See also: WikiDev#Renaming Wiki Pages

Page last modified on Saturday 08 January 2005 12:56:11 GMT-0000

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