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View:Bootstrap Ottawa Nov 2013 Gary 2mins Version

Video Title Bootstrap Ottawa Nov 2013 Gary 2mins Version
Description Daniel added four new videos re: TikiFest Bootstrap meeting in Ottawa, nov 2013 Two of the same, i.e.: .mov original version if you wish to edit it .mp4 if you wish to publish as is. Saveguard these files on your local pc. Original .mov files and .mp4 versions Here are the paths: http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/BootstrapOttawaNov2013Gary2minsVersion.mov (2 mins version) http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/BootstrapOttawaNov2013Gary2minsVersion.mp4 (2 mins version) http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/TikiFest2013GaryInterview.mov (6 mins version) http://funio.tiki.org/ExtVideo/TikiFest2013GaryInterview.mp4 ( (6 mins version) Note: These files, because of their sizes will be removed by december 9, 2014. Therefore, if your interested to save these videos on your side, please do so before dec 9. Your invited to publish these videos via your social media network to spread the news. Feel free to upload either the short or long version unto your channels, they are made for that purpose.
Embed code {kaltura id="1_lsswm1lp"}
Duration 120s
Views 13420
Plays 138