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What is the tiki.org business model Tiki as a Community Management System daniam pascal st-jean
bogue_affichage.mov mariannegiguere
Visual issue on left-hand menu CartoGraf IE10 Windows 8 marclaporte cartograf
test Video_2012-12-20_popups.wmv marclaporte test
Video_2012-10-03_WYSWYG_Submission.wmv marclaporte bug wysiwyg
2013-02-08: Start with {draw}, it works, but then saves {draw id= Can't start with plugin draw marclaporte draw tiki10
Unable to draw on https://doc.tiki.org/SVG-edit+on+Ohloh Seen on Chrome and Firefox Draw bug in Tiki10.x marclaporte draw
Tiki10 & Kaltura marclaporte tiki kaltura
A nice example of help pop-ups Feature Request: Example of pop-ups marclaporte popups help
Plugin CODE hiding data marclaporte bug 10x
Clicking login should make the login box sticky, and not cause a refresh Login click UI confusion marclaporte login ui
test test marclaporte test
Draw capture svg-edit jcapture Tiki Screencapture and Drawing marclaporte screencapture draw
bug of categories -article not publish not hide in categories. tiki_demo_bug_of_categories_ver2.avi admin@tiki.org category submission articles
tiki_demo_bug_of_categories.avi admin@tiki.org
Video_2012-10-19_Drawing_lost_space.wmv admin@tiki.org draw ui
A quick overview of Tiki Spreadsheet Tiki Spreadsheet Overview admin@tiki.org spreadsheet tiki9
How to copy-paste from LibreOffice Calc to Tiki Spreadsheet Spreadsheet Copy-Paste admin@tiki.org spreadsheet tiki9
How to activate the spreadsheet feature in Tiki 9.x Tiki9 Activate Spreadsheets admin@tiki.org spreadsheet tiki9
Presentation de la methodologie SPIRAL methodo_spiral.flv admin@tiki.org spiral cohésion_sociale
Video_2012-07-11_register_validation_weird_if_username_is_invalid.wmv marclaporte bug report registration 9x
At Fosdem 2009, Marc laporte gave a lightning talk about TikiWiki (15 min)

TikiWiki CMS/Groupware lighting talk at FOSDEM 2009 (15 minutes) Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - When just a wiki is not enough - FOSDEM 2009 admin@tiki.org fosdem 2009 tiki tikiwiki presentation marclaporte
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware lighting talk at FOSDEM 2009 (15 minutes)
http://tiki.org/Presentation+Fosdem+2009 Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - When just a wiki is not enough - FOSDEM 2009 .flv marclaporte fosdem presentation
jCapture quick demo while the development is still ongoing 2012-06-28 jCapture in Tiki admin@tiki.org jcapture
Short demo of Alpha in English Video_2012-05-23_CartoGraf_alpha_demo.wmv admin@tiki.org cartograf