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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: Tiki Suite brainstorming

Preview of version: 337

This page is to discuss/debate/brainstorm on
  • what needs should be covered and
  • which components should be part of the suite

Related: Components and criteria and features.



Copy to clipboard
yum install --enablerepo=clearos-core phpldapadmin

Realtime with TogetherJS

  • For realtime collaborative editing of eventually all features in Tiki, TogetherJS integration has started. You can rely on Mozilla-hosted hub or host your own
    • This is still quite experimental so you should probably skip this unless you want to help code this 😉 -> Together


2014-03-01 For now, users will access and edit files via VPN, taking advantage of ClearOS's Flexshare feature. In the future, we will likely add a method to have offline copies of the files.



LibreOffice has a lot of features, and most overlap with Tiki functionality

LibreOffice Writer Tiki Wiki engine and structures
LibreOffice Calc Tiki Spreadsheet
LibreOffice Impress Tiki Slideshow with jQuery.S5
LibreOffice Draw Tiki Draw with SVG-edit
LibreOffice Base Tiki Trackers
LibreOffice Math Tiki Math

In general, the desktop app (ex.: LibreOffice) will tend to be more powerful, and better to produce a printable version while the web app (ex.: Tiki) will make it easier to make web documents and to have multiple users collaborate (especially multilingual collaboration). Users will have to choose on a case-by-case basis which one to use and be made aware of the tradeoffs. With the File Gallery features (tags, categories, permissions, check-in, check-out, lock and WebDAV support), we'll minimizes the annoyances of the inherent limitation of file-based computing. On the other hand, with HTML5 and AJAX, we'll strive to make the web app experience better & better.

In any case, the transversal features such as unified search, fined-grained permissions, tags, categories, category transitions (for workflows) will work be it a Tiki spreadsheet or a Libre Office spreadsheet.

Newer organizations which are very collaborative and web-based may tend to create a lot of the new documents in Tiki. On the other hand, organizations with a lot of history will have a large number of files and they'll want to simply copy over to the new shared disk.

Thus, users can edit their .ODF files in LibreOffice via WebDAV. A Tiki plugin for LibreOffice could be made to do certain operations to a given document from within LibreOffice (just to avoid that the person edits a document and also needs to go via the web interface to add tags / change categories / etc.) At the very simplest, it could be "open the URL with the metadata about this file".

The other integration is to add WebODF support. When in the File Gallery, if it's a file format supported by WebODF, a drop down menu item "edit via browser" would appear. This is exactly what we do in Tiki7 when a .svg file is in the file gallery as it is editable in the browser via SVG-edit.

So the idea is to leverage the best cross-platform ODF editor now (LibreOffice), which covers PDF needs and is a familiar paradigm, while also having a fully Web way of doing things with WebODF. Users could choose to do most of the work with LibreOffice via WebDAV and use WebODF for reading and minor edits from a mobile device.

Over time, there will likely be some semi-automated ways to convert from one format to the other. For example, you may want to have ongoing collaboration with the Wiki and Structures, but every so often, export the document to LibreOffice to take advantage of page layout, pagination and PDF export. That is what the Tiki community does to generate a printable version of the documentation


Even if files are on the Tiki Suite server, we still want the double-click, edit and save experience of a desktop file. Via the File Server or via the File Gallery, binary files will be accessible via WebDAV. Thus, a WebDAV client is needed and Cyberduck is a nice app for Windows and Mac.

Please see: Cyberduck. License: GPL

(There is also the built in client in Mac OS's Finder, though it's not exactly as practical as Cyberduck, it is a no download alternative)

It's also nice for WebDAV access to Wiki Pages

Virtualization / Desktop as a Service / Provisioning

See also: Tiki Suite Desktop
This will be more & more important as Tiki Suite SaaS gets underway. Jitsi can do Desktop streaming and Provisioning. We also want a solution like GLPI and OCS Inventory NG




Password management



  • We want a way to make and receive payments via Bitcoin


Building Management, Physical security, etc

Software development

To be decided

  • Should SeaMonkey replace Firefox & Thunderbird?
  • F2F
  • An SEO tool
    • Mostly useful for web agency use case
  • StatusNet Superceded by pump.io Status updates/micro-blogging (distributed) or wish2258
    • cdrwhite: how about a few minimal extensions to the shoutbox stuff, we already have? shouts-per-user (also as rss), twitter-account and facebook-account as objects with object permissions, allowing a group to use one account)
      • marclaporte: Yes, that is an option, and making interoperable with StatusNet
  • Business Intelligence
  • How TRIM fits in
  • High-volume newsletters
    • Tiki newletters are fine for small volumes, but they need to be improved for large volumes and the option to use an external service would be nice (because of spam protection)
  • Remote provisioning like Jitsi does it.
  • Tiki Suite Health

See also

Old brainstorming



Information Version
Marc Laporte 361
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Marc Laporte Move to new LDAP page 339
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Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 337