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History: FusionPBX

Preview of version: 7

"FusionPBX is an open source FreeSWITCH GUI (Graphical User Interface). FusionPBX can be used as a high available single or domain based multi-tenant PBX, carrier grade switch, call center server, fax server, voip server, voicemail server, conference server, voice application server, appliance framework and more. FreeSWITCH(tm) is a highly scalable, multi-threaded, multi-platform communication platform. FusionPBX license is the MPL 1.1 license.

It can be run on most operating systems on the hardware of your choice. It provides unlimited extensions, voicemail-to-email, music on hold, call parking, call center, call queues, analog lines or high density T1/E1 circuits and many other features. It provides the functionality your business needs and brings corporate level phone system features to small, medium and large businesses." Source: http://www.fusionpbx.com/

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Installation Procedure for FusionPBX under ClearOS6

  1. Install a ClearOS, if you already have one, make sure the MySQL user root@localhost is passwordless
  2. Disable SELinux, edit /etc/selinux/config and make sure it is disabled. After this, you must reboot
  3. Go to /etc/yum.repos.d and enable at least next repos: clearos-epel, centos-scl, clearos-core, clearos-developer, clearos, clearos-updates, clearos-extras
  4. Visit https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL and install the EPEL repository witch it fits your distro and architecture. For ClearOS6, choose CentOS 6.
  5. Run rpm -ivh http://repo.okay.com.mx/centos/6/i386/release/okay-release-1-1.noarch.rpm? for 32 bits or rpm -ivh http://repo.okay.com.mx/centos/6/x86_64/release/okay-release-1-1.noarch.rpm? for 64 bits
  6. Type yum install fusionpbx-all and wait

Remember to start your freeswitch daemon and make sure at least MySQL/MariaDB, Memcached, Apache and Freeswitch will start when booting your system. You can do this with the chkconfig command.

You can access your FusionPBX installation using the http://<your_ip>/fusionpbx/ and a default user is: superadmin, default password is: superadmin.
Remember to change them.


Information Version
Marc Laporte Thanks Luis. Here is some initial feedback! 9
dlucio 8
dlucio 7
dlucio Installation process added 6
dlucio 5
Marc Laporte Moved to ClearOS wiki 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1
  • 1
  • 2 (current)
  • »

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