History: Introduction
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A few things you should know about the Tiki Project
We Have History
- Tiki has been actively developed since 2002, making it a very mature groupware solution.
- More than 250 people have contributed source code to the Tiki project 1 .
- This makes Tiki one of the largest open source teams in the world.2
We Eat Dogfood
Our own dogfood, that is. We use Tiki to develop Tiki. For example:
- Tiki Trackers are used to record feature requests and bug reports.
- Tiki Forums are used by the community for discussions and troubleshooting.
- Tiki Wiki pages and structures are used to develop end-user and developer documentation.
All of this dogfood results in tightly integrated, well tested features.
We Have A Huge Install Base
Tiki has been downloaded more than 1,000,000 times3 and is used to power a huge number of web sites and Intranets.4 Tiki is also available as a one-click install from many popular control panel applications such as Fantastico5 , script managers such as SimpleScripts6 , remote installers such as Installatron,7 and virtual appliances such as JumpBox8 . In 2010, Tiki was added to the Windows Web App Gallery,9 giving millions of Windows users easier access to Tiki.
We Win Awards and Recognition
Tiki is constantly recognized as a leading Free / Libre / Open Source application. Tiki was selected as a mentoring organization for the 2009 Google Summer of Code10 and was one of only a handful of community-driven, FLOSS projects to be listed in the Seventh Annual EContent 10011 — a selection of organizations "that matter most in the digital content industry."
Tiki has also been nominated as the Most Collaborative Project for the SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards12 and was named SourceForge Project of the Month.13
Tiki was named Best Web Application by OSDir Editors14 and consistently ranks in its listing of Top 10 Applications.15 InfoWorld awarded Tiki a 2010 BOSSIE (Best of Open Source Software) in the applications category16 , and in 2011 Tiki was named to CMS Report's Top 30 Web Applications.17 In 2012, Tiki was named Best Web Tool in WebHostingSearch.com's Web Tools Directory18 and awarded the People's Choice Best Free CMS in the Critic’s Choice CMS Awards19 .
In addition to these awards, Tiki is listed as a recommended productivity tool by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization20 and is included in the Open Source CMS Market Share Report's list of Top 20 Open Source CMS.21
We Actively Develop
With a code commit every two hours22 (on average), Tiki undergoes continuous improvement and is always moving forward. As new technologies are introduced (such as Bootstrap, AJAX, and others) we work to add them to Tiki.
We are Free, Libre and Open Source
Our social contract defines the "Tiki Principles." We leverage existing technologies and partner with field leaders whenever possible.
- Tiki includes code from over 60 software libraries
- Tiki partners with other great projects, for Tiki Suite, a server, web, mobile and desktop apps suite with a concerted effort for greater interoperability and security.
We are Open Development
Tiki is a community-driven project, with a very open development model. Our "Wiki Way" of software development emphasizes collaboration on scale unlike most other applications.23
Learn More About Tiki
You can learn more about Tiki by:
- Reviewing the Fact sheet
- Reading our Promo Sheet
- Downloading and testing Tiki or using a hosted demo
- Joining the Tiki community