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History: Software Overview and Model

Preview of version: 1

Tiki software components
Tiki software components

The power of Tiki is the smart interaction of its components in an all-in-one-model.

Main Features

Wiki/web pages

For a full-featured wiki, or a standard website that looks and functions like a design portfolio, business website, NPO website, blog, magazine or newspaper website, and so on, Tiki's wiki component in conjunction with other components make all of these and more easily possible.

With Tiki's wiki you can:

  • Fully control layout and text formatting using wiki syntax, HTML, WYSIWYG editor, or Markdown syntax
  • Upload and display graphics and images
  • Embed or attach files
  • Easily link to other pages or external sites, with backlinks automatically maintained even if the page name changes
  • Have a complete page revision history and no-data-loss page version rollbacks
  • Create Bootstrap-based responsive, mobile-compatible pages that are printer-friendly
  • Organize pages by category and tag
  • Easily structure a group of pages into a hierarchy with navigation controls
  • Have the security and usefulness of fine-grained permissions control
  • Extend/enhance page content and functionality using "wiki plugin" syntax and modules
  • Much more information is available at doc.tiki.org/wiki.

The editing features of wiki pages − preferred syntax or editor, image display, "wiki plugins" and "Tiki modules", etc. − are also available in all text areas of the website, including blog and forum posts, news articles, comments, tracker content, and so on, so learn it once and use it everywhere.


Using Trackers, you can create forms for collecting data and make reports from that data. Trackers can combine structured information collected from users; the feature is a powerful, flexible tool. Originally, trackers were used to collect and manage software bugs. They evolved into an open-ended system where you can track any kind of user input in a customizable form. The output can be anything from a typical data table to a design portfolio. Each tracker essentially has its own mini database. Trackers operate as a standalone feature, and can be fully integrated within wiki pages. Combining trackers and the wiki makes Tiki a Structured Wiki. Think of Tiki Trackers as an open source version of Microsoft Access or FileMaker Pro, that's an integral component of your website. See also: doc.tiki.org/tracker and https://tikitrackers.org.

File Galleries

The file galleries feature can be a site repository or download manager for all types of files: images, video, audio, podcasts, text, software (releases, patches, docs), etc., etc. Files uploaded into file galleries can easily be displayed or linked from wiki pages, articles, blog posts, and other content. Statistics are kept of each download. You can produce stats for the most downloaded files, most visited file galleries and last uploaded files. Files can be replaced with a new version, with archived versions still available. Key Features:
  • Virtual folders and sub-folders with permissions
  • Archives are kept (previous versions of a file can still be accessed).
  • Check-in / check-out / lock
  • Files can be in one or many categories.
  • Workflows with Category Transitions
  • WebDAV access
  • Drafts
  • Search within files
  • Web-based editing of SVG and ODF files
  • Watch function enables email notification of changes
  • Provide a secret link via e-mail for a read-only access to a normally restricted file
  • OCR Indexing
  • unoconv support


Tiki's Blog feature has all the expected specifices such as those found in stand-alone blog platforms. The feature enables administrators to set up as many blogs as they like, or administrators can give users permission to create their own blogs. Blogs are highly configurable, with 22 global preference options and 18 per-blog options that can be set, including choosing to use a specified blog as the homepage of the website.


The articles publishing feature, sometimes thought of as the core of a conventional content management system, like all Tiki features, has many configuration options − 48 global options and 10 article type options by default (custom options can be added). Of course the usual content composition toolset is available. Specific to articles are article type, such as News or Announcement which can be set for each article, along with 25 other per-article options.


Still advantageous for asynchronous short- to long-form discussions, again the implementation of forums in a Tiki website generally matches standalone forum software, and as just one component of a full-featured web platform, forums can take advantage of and work with file galleries, versatile editing tools, the site's category and tag system, and so on. As an example of how Tiki components can be combined, there is an option to create a forum thread per wiki page in place of the standard simple page-bottom comments, in situations where stronger threading of discussions is beneficial.

Calendars and Event Listings

Tiki has several calendar-related features. These enable creating, viewing and editing multiple event calendars that can display as a full page or in a module (configurable content container), and can also show tracker data and site content activity.

Associated Support Features

  • Search
  • PDF Export
  • Activity Stream
  • ?

Transversal Features

The main content features of the Tiki website work together in parallel but not in isolation. Spanning across these content structures are global components that work with all of them. Of course the implementation of security features is highest priority. The Tiki developers respond quickly to security vulnerability reports, and security is not an afterthought when coding in general.

More specific to Tiki are content- and layout-related transversal features such as module zones, modules, and wiki plugins. Module zones are areas of the page such as the page header, side columns, and page footer. There are eight module zones by default and more can be added. Modules are essentially containers for content or functionality and are assigned to module zones or can be inserted in any text area. Tiki comes with nearly 150 premade modules, and custom modules can be made easily to meet the site's needs. Wiki plugins are bits of wiki syntax that in a macro-like way add styling, content display or functionality to the page. What is transversal about modules and plugins is that they work as functionality-embedded or content-displaying bridges to or from other components of the site, such as a tracker, file gallery, or calendar.

A wiki page can also be used as a template for tracker input forms or output reports, broadly speaking.

Management Features

Tiki's management features are also transversal in the sense that they function across website content components, to organize them, control access to them, and so on.

  • Users and Groups
  • Permissions
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Profiles (sets of content, etc.)
  • Perspectives (sets of site preferences, etc.)

Software Comparisons

Please see Tiki vs for a list of links to comparisons of Tiki to alternative web software. For comparisons of Tiki specifically related to other wiki platforms, visit https://wikimatrix.org.

The "Tiki model" consists of:

  • Open wiki-like community project ("do-ocracy") (like Wikipedia but for software instead of content)
  • Wiki Way participation in the code (500+ with full write access to the complete code base cumulatively, as of 2012 − now over 600)
  • Regular release schedule with major releases every eight months, with Long Term Support versions − Scheduled releases
    • Inherent synchronized releases − all features must be ready at the same time, but features not fully developed at time of introduction are marked Experimental.
  • All-in-one codebase − 1,000,000+ lines of code, with everything bundled. Each feature is optional.
    • Half the code comes from other projects such as Zend Framework, jQuery, Smarty, etc.
  • Many features, but no duplication (in a wiki, similar/related content is merged, so the same is applied to Tiki's features).
  • Tiki is the Free/Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features.
  • Tiki is a community recursively developing a community management system − see Dogfood.

More information is available at Model.


  • Tiki's position (PHP web application)
  • Libraries (upstream)
  • No-code/low-code (downstream)


Information Version
Gary Cunningham-Lee Replace HTML photo-video font icon syntax with PluginIcon. 15
Gary Cunningham-Lee Fixed mixed syntax. 14
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added ecosystem details. 13
Gary Cunningham-Lee Heading capitalization consistency. 12
Gary Cunningham-Lee Some wording improvements, etc. 11
Gary Cunningham-Lee Spellling corrections. 10
Gary Cunningham-Lee Small adjustment. 9
Gary Cunningham-Lee Improved pagetitle h1 vertical spacing. 8
Gary Cunningham-Lee Turning off autotoc, which doesn't work with the HTML headings (will investigate). 7
Gary Cunningham-Lee Testing autotoc. 6
Gary Cunningham-Lee Linked-to page name didn't contain (most) hyphens. 5
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added background image. 4
Gary Cunningham-Lee Corrected my local image id to use tiki.org image id. 3
Gary Cunningham-Lee More content added, some styling details, tabs replaced with layout divs, etc. 2
Gary Cunningham-Lee Page created as part of nav revamp. 1
  • 1
  • 2 (current)
  • »

Upcoming Events

1)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting