History: How to use i18n.tiki.org
Preview of version: 8
This page serves as documentation on the use of interactive translation for translators on i18n.tiki.org
To access it please click on this link: i18n.tiki.org. Once on the page click on the "Log in" button.
Then you have two choices:
- If you have an account, you can enter your credentials and log in.
- If not click on "Register" to create an account.
Account creation
- To create an account, please click first on the "Connection" button then on the "Register" button.
- please fill in all the fields of the form while respecting each 'label' of the fields.
- validate the creation of the account by clicking on the "Register" button
- Once the confirmation email has arrived in your mailbox, open it and click on the link to confirm your account.
Note well : If you use an email filter, make sure to add i18n at i18n.tiki.org to your accepted list right after you receive the confirmation email in spam so that subsequent emails don't end up in spam.