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History: Feuillet de promotion

Preview of version: 2

Traduction en cours. Nous nous concentrons sur la traduction du feuillet lui-même

Goal produce 1 page (2 sided) printable info sheet about Tiki (Format : A4 or 8.5 x 11). Printed in color on thick paper. Matte finish so people can write on it.
What are we doing here? This page will be used to manage text content, which will be integrated into a desktop publishing app.
Who does this Promo sheet target? #To give out in open source conference
#To help Tiki advocates with a 1-pager about Tiki

Sources of information


  • Below is general format/layout so you get an idea of the size of each section.
  • Keep it short, clear & concise.
    • We need to translate after
    • More text means smaller font
    • People can always check the website to learn more. The goal is that people know enough from this sheet to choose to investigate more.
  • You can hyperlinks to the text below
    • While this won't appear in the printed documentation, it's useful to support claims about stats/facts. Also, it will be useful when we re-use some of this information on info.tikiwiki.org

Montreal times, click to see in your time zone
Friday May 8th 9AM 1st draft of texts, from which Simon prepare a layout
Monday May 11th 9AM final texts, from which Simon finalizes layout
Monday 13h email high-definition to Marc, who prints at a shop in Ottawa.


 Plugin Image
No image specified. One of the following parameters must be set: fileId, randomGalleryId, fgalId, attId or src.
logoHere, we'll put logo, name of project domain name and maybe a catch phrase (or the meaning of the TIKI acronym)

Tiki Wiki+CMS+Groupware


About Tiki

Tiki is a web-based, multilingual, content management system (CMS) built using PHP, ADOdb, and Smarty. Tiki is free and open source software, released under GNU/LPGL — you can use Tiki however you wish! A large, international development team works steadily to improve the code and add new features. Tiki includes hundreds of tightly integrated features - no need for additional modules to fill in the missing pieces. With Tiki you can create any type of application: web sites, portals, knowledge bases, and intranets and extranets. Tiki's web-based, graphical interface makes it easy to configure the features you need. Major featuresthis part should be removed and most important features be put in the features section below include a robust wiki engine; news articles; discussion forums; newsletters; blogs; file/image galleries; bug and issue trackers (form generators); links directory; polls/surveys and quizzes; FAQs; banner management system; calendars; maps; Mobile Tiki (PDA, VoiceXML and WAP access); RSS feeds; category system; tags; advanced template engine (Smarty); workflow engine; spreadsheets; live support; shoutbox; inter-user messages; menu generator; advanced user, group and permission system; internal search engine; external authentication support; and much much more.


  • Wiki
  • Blogs and Articles
  • Forums
  • RSS Syndication
  • WYSIWYG Editing
  • Calendars and Events
  • Database Tracking System
  • File and Image Galleries
  • User and Group Management
  • Surveys, Quizzes, and Polls
  • Activity-based Workflow Engine
  • Advanced Multilingual Capabilities

Configuration Profiles

  • Corporate Wiki / Intranet / Extranet
  • Corporate website
  • Knowledge base / Bug tracker
  • Project management
  • Community portal
  • Workflow and specialized web applications
  • Application forms
  • Multilingual collaborative glossary

Tech specs

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Zend Framework
  • jQuery
  • Smarty


Do we repeat some header information? For people that read this side first....


  • 2009: Tiki 3.0 (Betelgeuse)
  • 2008: Tiki 2.0 (Arcturus) - Downloads reach 700,000
  • 2007: Tiki 1.9.8, 1.9.9
  • 2006: Finalist in Stockholm Challenge - Themes site opens
  • 2005: Tiki 1.9 (Sirius)
  • 2004: Tiki 1.8 (Polaris)
  • 2003: Tiki 1.7 (Eta Carinae) - SourceForge Project of the Month - Tiki 1.6 (Tau Ceti) - Tiki 1.5 (Regulus) - First TikiFest
  • 2002: TikiWiki project founded

By the Numbers

  • 6+ years of work
  • 35+ languages
  • 100+ built-in features
  • 200+ code contributors (via CVS/SVN)
  • 1,000+ wiki pages of documentation
  • 100,000+ installs
  • 700,000+ downloads
  • 1,000,00+ lines of code, with a code commit every two hours (on average)

Who's using Tiki?

  • Mozilla / Firefox - support.mozilla.com
  • Council of Europe
  • Rio Tinto Alcan
  • Tembec
  • KDE
  • Province of Québec Government, Canada


Q: Where can I download Tiki?
A: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/download http://info.tikiwiki.org/Get+Tiki

Q: Can I test Tiki without installing it on my webhost?
A: Yes! Visit http://tikiwiki.org/demo to access a test installation and "try out" Tiki. The software is installed and configured . . . ready to go! You can log in as an administrator and get a feel for how Tiki works.

Q: How can I get involved in the Tiki community?
A: First, use and enjoy the software. Then please feel free to contribute any way you like - answering user questions or suggesting ideas, translating interface text, keeping documentation up to date, or helping as a code developer. We are a very open and friendly community. http://info.tikiwiki.org/Join+the+Community

Q: Is this really free?
A: Yes, it's free source software. The license is LGPL.

Q: Who owns/manages Tiki?
A: It's a community-managed project. You are invited to help!

Q: What does TIKI mean?
A: Tightly Integrated Knowledge Infrastructure


Information Version
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