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Preview of version: 4 (current)

19.x - 最新稳定版本,标准术语支持版本

Obtain the latest cutting-edge versions by downloading now.

显著的变化包括从bootstrap 3升级到4,以便在所有类型的移动设备上获得更大的可用性,从字体Awesome 4升级到5,从jQuery S5升级到Reveal.js slideshows.

有关新功能、改进和错误修复的完整列表,请参阅Tiki 19.0 Documentation 页面.

需要帮忙吗? Become a developer!

18.x - Latest Stable Release, Long Term Support version

The current stable version is for those looking for the latest and greatest Tiki capability.

Tiki 18 brings new features such as H5P, and refinements and extensions of existing features, along with continuing overall improvement in the Tiki code.

See all the enhancements since the previous LTS: doc:Tiki18 and doc:Tiki15.



Tiki Box Lts V11 256x256

Download Tiki 18.x
Supported until January 2023

15.x - Previous Long Term Support version

This LTS ("Long Term Support") version is in "Regular support period" with bug fixes and minor, self-contained enhancements.

Pick this one for the most mature LTS version or if limited to PHP 5.5.

See all the enhancements since the previous LTS: doc:Tiki15, doc:Tiki14 and doc:Tiki13


Tiki Box Stable V11 256x256

Download Tiki 15.x LTS
Supported until April 2021




Tiki is provided as a one-click install by most script managers (for example, Softaculous) and remote installers (such as SimpleScripts). These auto-installers are offered by nearly all web hosts and control panel (cPanel) applications, and make it easy to install and upgrade your Tiki.
See 1-click installers for more information, also check Hosting and Tiki Friendly Hosts hosting solutions

Bitnami 安装程序

Bitnami provides a full stack installer for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. It includes PHP, My PHPAdmin and MySQL in the installation so these do not have to be set up separately. It provides an installation of the latest stable release of Tiki, and instructions for upgrades.
Further information can be found at Bitnami Tiki Wiki.

Microsoft Web Platform Installer

To install Tiki from the Windows Web App Gallery, visit doc:Microsoft Web Platform installer. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is included in the Windows Web App Gallery and can be installed with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer.

Download with wget

The URLs at SourceForge usually end with /download, which causes   wget   to use download as filename. For a more convenient download use syntax   wget --trust-server-names   to save with the proper filename. More about this topic at http://sourceforge.net/p/forge/community-docs/downloading-via-cli/.


Tiki也是WikiSuite的一部分. 了解更多信息 http://wikisuite.org.


Tiki Demo | 全面的更新日志 | dev:Roadmap


Information Version
popakrt 4
popakrt 3
Xavier de Pedro avoiding duplicity of alias links from the source english page 2
popakrt 1

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2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
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6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting

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