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Custom Share Module 0.1dev

History: 20090516workshop

Preview of version: 3

On May 16th, 2009 near Ottawa, Canada, a Tiki workshop was held.

We had 30-35 participants.

Lessons learned

  • Collaborative profile was helpful but still too crowded
  • All advanced features (like staging & approval should be off)
  • We should have Workshop profile which is optimized for teaching/presenting Tiki.
    • Should use profiles with self register but no validation (otherwise, people take time going to check their email).
  • Very difficult to cope with the various skill levels.
    • Presenter should not be helping individuals that are stuck. Roaming helpers
  • On one hand, it's great that each participant build their own Tiki so they can do things like change logo, change title, play with admin panels. OTOH, it's great that everyone participates on one Tiki because they get to collaborate
  • Large groups need to be divided into subgroups for complex tasks like installation. Five people could probably do it in half an hour, while the whole group takes multiple hours and it discourages them.
  • Do not have 35 people install 35 Tikis at the same time (4900 queries x 35 = 171 500 queries)
  • Have a profile-course which lets people go at their own rhythm, and thus advanced users could just go further.


Information Version
drsassafras Mass search and replace 12
alain_desilets [rollback version 9] 11
alain_desilets 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte 4
Marc Laporte 3
Louis-Philippe Huberdeau 2
Marc Laporte 1

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