History: Configuration Profiles Team
Preview of version: 29
Release responsibilities
- Determine which profiles are "Featured" and make them excellent
- Make sure admin panels are intuitive and appealing for site admins. For end users and content creators, see UX and Themes Team.
- Go through the steps of a new end-user installing Tiki, and note and correct any unclear user interface.
Coordination page:
- Search
- Rename MySQL Full Text Search to "classic" instead of "legacy"
- Make MySQL Full Text Search the default in 9.x LTS to avoid situations like this: http://tiki.org/forumthread45711
- CodeMirror
- Turn off by default because it has issues that won't be resolved in 9.x : http://dev.tiki.org/Web-based+source+code+editor#Bugs
- Have a profile for each of the Use cases
- Maintain profiles.tiki.org
- Review, evaluate and categorize all profiles
- Handle Default Preferences to be changed
- Review Simpler config on Fresh install
- When a feature is known to be buggy and won't be fixed in a version, tag it as experimental so as to avoid headaches for other users
- Run Preferences report and make sure descriptions are clear for the average user.