History: EC2
Preview of version: 14
- This is experimental, use at your own risk
- Data which is created in EC2 instances do not survive beyond the instance (no persistance). If the instance crashes or is shut down, your data vanished.
- Do not run production servers on this. This is intended as a demo.
Getting EC2
- Get amazon web services account
- Activate EC2
- install https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3247
- install http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=609
- Restart Firefox
- Configure account in ElasticFox
- Click on Credentials
- Enter Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from aws.amazon.com > Your Account > Access Identifiers > AWS Access Key Identifiers
- You should see some AMIs appearing
- Go to tab "Key pairs"
- Click on green button to "Create a new pair"
- This will generate a *.pem file, that you should save on your hard drive. This is used to login later, without a password.
- Go to AMIs and instances,
- pick an AMI (Amzaon doesn't supply these but we can use a 3rd party AMI such as ami-7806e211, for example)
- Right-click and launch
- Make sure KeyPair is the one you created before
- All other options can stay the dfaults
- You should see something new in "Your instances"
- Security Groups
- "Your Groups" should be "default"
- Below, in "Group permissions" click green button to add permissions
- Don't change anyhing but Port Range 22 to 22
- And Port Range 80 to 80
- And Port Range 5901 to 5901
- That was to add SSH, HTTP and VNC access
- Go back to AMIs and instances
- Refresh your instance
- Copy PUBLIC address to clipboard (If it's blank, be patient while it boots up). This address is dynamic and will change everytime your create an instance
- Use this IP address to connect to your instance, via SSH
- Use private key generate above (*.pem)
TikiWiki 2.2 for Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid AMI built by Vincent Brousseau
Installing TikiWiki
Since it's Ubuntu, the Debian instructions will work:
Debian Install
Setup backups / persistence on S3