History: Help
Preview of version: 7
Ways to Get Help
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Get help on a topic.
Try the items on this list in order.
- Go to doc.tikiwiki.org - the documentaiton site.
- View the Table of Contents to see if a page concerning your topic exists.
- Use the Search to see if a page concerning your topic exists.
- View the Troubleshooting pages to see if something matches your problem.
- Login (register with tikiwiki.org if you haven't already done so) and . . .
- Find the most appropriate existing page, perhaps a troubleshooting page ar about one of the features.
- Ask any questions you have on that page. (Don't skip this step, it is critical to making the doc better)
- Tag the page with ((help)) or one of the other tags so it appears on the documentation status page.
- Watch that page for answers to your questions, (they often will be in the form of links).
- Pat yourself on the back. The next person who comes along will only need to go to step 2.
- If after a few days nothing is happening try:
- search http://Tikiwiki.org for content.
- search the Tikiwiki user forums for content.
- get on the Tikiwiki IRC channel, or Tikiwiki Developer Listserve and ask a question there.
Getting more help once you've the found the documentation (or lack thereof)
- Login so you can edit.
- Write what you know.
- Write what you need to know.
- Tag the page by linking it to one of the status pages.
- Watch that page for answers to your questions, (they often will be in the form of links).
- Pat yourself on the back. The next person who comes along will only need to go to step 2.
- If after a few days nothing is happening try:
- search http://Tikiwiki.org for content.
- search the Tikiwiki user forums for content.
- get on the Tikiwiki IRC channel, or Tikiwiki Developer Listserve and ask a question there.
Pay to Get Help
If you want to find a freelance person who can help, lookup someone on our Tikiwiki Experts page. This is a community moderated list of people with various specialties who help people for a reasonable fee.