History: PluginNoprint
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Trying to hack a new wikiplugin_noprint.php in lib/wiki-plugins that helps wrapping text in order to not get that part of content printed in tiki-print.php:
Here's the try:
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<?php // No printing of content if the page is being printed // Usage // {NOPRINT()} // data // {NOPRINT} function wikiplugin_noprint_help() { return tra("No printing of Plugin Content in the wiki page print mode"); } function wikiplugin_noprint($data,$params) { global $tikilib; extract($params); {if $print_page !== 'y'}$data = trim($data);{/if} {if $print_page eq 'y'}$data = "";{/if} return $data; } ?>
Any ideas on how to use Smarty code in Wikiplugins?
ML: very interesting. Let's make sure this works everywhere (articles, wiki pages, blog posts, etc) A PluginPrint would also be interesting.