History: ReleaseProcess195
Preview of version: 10
Release Process Tiki 1.9.5
1.9.5 has just been released. You can get pre-release here: lastiki_BRANCH-1-9(.zip | .bz2)
Release Manager: ohertel
Release Date: this week
- Security: fix in tiki-editpage.php
- Security: fix in jhot.php
- Security: Parameter highlight may not countain & , " , ' , < or >
Bug fixes
- Admin/login: fixing 1 day bug & adding more options
- Article: check categ perm for editing/reading an article sylvie
- Avoid notice and insert message case id xxx does not exist in
- Avoid some messages due to undefined variables
- Blogs: Secured and fixed blogs trackback pings display
- Blogs: Trackback pings for blog posts accepted only if the feature blog is enabled
- Broken links to documentation
- Categ perm: fix the anonymous access with tiki_p_view_categ on a page with categ perm mrish
- Galaxia: conformed to db abstract
- Image: check categ perm for uploading an image sylvie
- Image Gallery: All files are now checked against being right images
- Image Gallery: Check and get image sizes even if .gif or no imagecreatefromstring()
- Image Gallery: Check we have a right image handle before taking its info
- Image Gallery: Double link to image gallery when returning from edit
- Image Gallery: Double link to image gallery when returning from edit
- Image Gallery: Get optional thumbnail image size so it works if same scale as thumbs scale from gallery
- Image Gallery: Image permissions
- Image Gallery: Navigation / scale control in image browsing
- Image Gallery: Once image gallery saved, avoid double create link display
- Image Gallery: small change in images batch upload to respect name order in batch
- Image Gallery: Strengthen get_one_image_from_disk() to refuse non image data
- Image Gallery: Use gallery's default for image scale or sort order if none in browse and show images
- Installer shows memory limit warning
- Keep menus wide open if javascript or cookies not allowed
- Mk_profile.sh: accepts optionals backticks around table names, better autodoc
- Module quick_edit: fixed collision with edit article: 'heading' used in both of them, thus preventing 'heading' showing up in edit article, if you have quick_edit module activated
- Newsletter: a draft newsleter is not saved 2 times sylvie
- No more take offset from cookies
- Optional 's' for $groupHome protocol as https://... ,correct the https: goup home case for logout too
- Pcllib: removed call by reference to functions
- Plugin/tracker : textareas are parsed in TRACKERLIST sylvie
- Some fixes in display of country flag
- Styles: Simple style fixes for PLM and other enhancements
- Tiki-index_p.php: typo feature_wiki_usrlock
- Tracker: can't see an item if you don't have perm on tracker sylvie
- Tracker: can't view an item closed or pending if you don't have the perm sylvie
- Tracker: fixed tracker data import when no status indicated in csv
- Trackers: check we have a right image handle before taking its info
- Wiki: fixed undefined 'index' variable in page history
- Wikiplugin code: uses proper
- Wikiplugin snarf: don't change line feeds in
- Wikiplugin TrackerFilter: fix sort and pagination
- Wikiplugin Trackerlist: several fixes
- Wiki RSS Feed: avoid sql error, show whole file for new wiki pages, cleanup of output in rss data
- Admin survey questions: longer options field and hint box for multiple answer questions where to places those answers
- at least yahoo and google ignore our robots.txt entries completely, so we set META ROBOTS tags on all pages we don't want indexed/followed. Thats all admin/submit/print/rename/remove/send pages and pages that will make search box go wild (categories, lengthy lists, calendar, ...)
- Blogs: Added feature/allow blogs trackback pings enabling general and on a blog basis
- Blogs: Possibility to delete blog post level trackback pings
- Blogs: View blogs post refactored
- Calendar: added categories support for theme control purpose
- Category: in browse category the URL param parentId can be a list of categories resulting into an or or and (if param and=y) of objects sylvie
- Category: new URL param expanded to have the phplayersmenus expanded sylvie
- Changed behaviour for description label when no desc is provided
- change in the message body messu-compose to messu-mailbox to be directly in the mailbox when notification from the message box
- Clearer install & upgrade intructions. Moving 1.7.x stuff to a wiki page. Add information about secdb
- Edit article: allow to preselect categories when creating a new article, like this: /tiki-edit_article.php?cat_categories[]=1&cat_categorize=on for category '1'
- Enables included php to ask extra external js
- Enables relative url for group home as http:tiki-xxx.php... (no double slash after ":" )
- Hide MultiTiki info when not in use
- Imagegal: added a way in admin panel to move images from db to filesystem
- Images galleries controls enhanced
- Images galleries links simplified, only scalesize controls the scale (0=original size)
- Image slideshow in page , controlled by feature slideshow in admin image galleries
- Images slideshow preloads images and works autonomous when cycle complete
- Lang/de, lang/ca, lang/pt-br, lang/fr updates
- Modules allow user to create a module without title and display error message if no name or data is given to a new module
- New files (copy for Tiki for modifications) to prevent overriding of original files of the PLM package
- Plugin/article: New param categId=1 to ARTICLES sylvie
- Plugins: Extended div wikiplugin to accept justify text align
- Plugin/tracker: new plugin TRACKERFILTER sylvie
- Some clean up and organization on wiki help
- Trackers: added a new optional behaviour for isHidden field type, to make hidden fields only editable by tracker admin but still visible to modifier
- Trackers: add the fulltext index for tracker search with mysql
- Trackers: many fixes and enhancements
- Update to latest version of PhpLayersMenu (3.2.0-rc)
- Users: added an option to have new users accept internal messages by default
- Users: switch on receiving internal messages by default
- Plugins: Skype plugin to create a clickable link to call or chat with a Skype user