History: ReleaseProcess195
Preview of version: 6
1.9.5 has not yet been released. You can get pre-release here:http://de.tikiwiki.org/tar/lastiki_BRANCH-1-9.zip
Bug fix
- tracker: can't see an item if you don't have perm on tracker sylvie
- tracker: can't view an item closed or pending if you don't have the perm sylvie
- plugin/tracker : textareas are parsed in TRACKERLIST sylvie
- article: check categ perm for editing/reading an article sylvie
- image: check categ perm for uploading an image sylvie
- categ perm: fix the anonymous access with tiki_p_view_categ on a page with categ perm mrish
- newsletter: a draft newsleter is not saved 2 times sylvie
- plugin/tracker: new plugin TRACKERFILTER sylvie
- plugin/article: New param categId=1 to ARTICLES sylvie
- category: new URL param expanded to have the phplayersmenus expanded sylvie
- category: in browse category the URL param parentId can be a list of categories resulting into an or or and (if param and=y) of objects sylvie