History: Roundtable Meeting 2017 01
Preview of version: 59
Happy New 2017
Another year in the long history of Tiki and it's marvellous community has started.
Next to come are the FOSDEM in Brussels and Tiki 17. Happy new year and best wishes to everybody.
Volunteering Facilitator: Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist
When 19 January 2017
See Webinars for a detailed description.
1st hour quick news
15mn for each topic else it should be moved to the second hour or another meeting
- TikiFestFosdem2017 plans
- Ideas for Tiki17
- Demo’ing mindepth and mindepthsortalpha; https://doc.tiki.org/TOC
Help needed to (free)tag in profiles.tiki.org all profiles in the profiles Wizard with the features that they show case/demonstrate, etc.done- In a second phase, the idea is to get some search box in the Profiles Wizard (and the Profiles Control Panel) to filter profiles by features, allowing to answer questions like: "which profiles will let me practice and tweak custom search/plugin list/plugin list execute/tablesorter/item link tracker field/structures/revision approval/plugin pivottable
- Conclusions from the recent Tiki Admin Meeting
- Tiki Community Bug Tracker Items review https://dev.tiki.org/Community+items and attempt to fix or assign volunteers.
Second hour, longer topics
- Discussion about The Tiki Community Items (issues and wishes affecting the Community as a whole and *.t.o sites). See
- https://dev.tiki.org/Community+items#Summary
and - https://dev.tiki.org/Community+items#List
This section is expected to alst 15' if possible, and it comes from the conclusions of the last Tiki Admin Meeting. See:
- https://dev.tiki.org/Community+items#Summary
- Discussion about the Bounty proposal
- See also info about the recent discussion between TAG members here
- Improving Documentation
- https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki17 is documenting what is Tiki top of the edge
- https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki17#Trackers, thumbnail zoom on images is terrible
- please remove zoombox for something else better in your opinion (remember we are a wiki-wiki community) 😉
https://doc.tiki.org/PluginShorten, visitor can’t see sample and parametersit will once doc.t.o has the minimum version required for the plugin (Tiki17)
- https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki17#Trackers, thumbnail zoom on images is terrible
- Better organizing some of the documentation (Tiki feature that make THE difference)
- Plugin List, Plugin ListExecute
- Custom Search, Search and Unified-index
- Trackers
- Please add...
- https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki17 is documenting what is Tiki top of the edge
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