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Tiki Fest Fosdem 2017

«FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world.»
Jyhem has attended for 4 years in a row and confirms that it's huge, it's chaotic, it's fun, and well worth attending.
Most of everything is in english.


In Brussels:
FOSDEM 4 & 5 February 2017
TikiFest 6, 7 & 8 February 2017


FOSDEM will take place at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe, Earth.


Joint stand application together with wikis-oriented communities (accepted)

XWiki and DokuWiki

The Tiki community would like to send a joint application for a booth together with other wikis-oriented communities, like we did very successfully last year for Fosdem2016 with the Xwiki community and the DokuWiki community.

The reasons are:

  • it is important and it is required to have at least 2 people on the booth. We plan to be about 6 but there are a lot of conferences and booths we want to see, too.
  • There is a lot of competition for booths so a joint application has more chances of being accepted.
  • The more, the merrier. After all, we also travel to Brussels in order to meet people.

Get Social

Current status (accepted)

Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) has contacted the XWiki, the DokuWiki and the MediaWiki communities.

Who is participating

Tiki community

We need to have 2 people on the stand at al times.
Tiki community participants register below for both the stand and the TikiFest, under the Who section.


Have been contacted: Ludovic Dubost, Vincent Massol, marketing


  1. Anca Luca
  2. Eduard Moraru
  3. Caleb (if talk accepted)
  4. Aaron (if talk accepted)



Application was sent


Application accepted nov, 25


Reminder of what having a stand implies


Practical information regarding FOSDEM stands


Other events

Saturday and Sunday night WikiSuite events (see: http://wikisuite.org/FOSDEM-2017 )

Developers from Syncthing, Openfire, ConverseJS and Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Developers from Syncthing, Openfire, ConverseJS and Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware

TikiFest after the event

Will happen at the airBnB.
Fabio, amette & Jonny at the TikiHouse

Schedule and real list of topics for the 3 days will be decided on monday morning.

Possible topics


See schedule: https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/


There is usually a FOSDEM-organized big Beer event on friday night before the event but it's totally overrated (unless you came alone, you know nobody and you like being crammed with total strangers with no intention of finding your friends). So we should come up with some better plan 😀
Saturday night is usually spent in center-town bars together with people's own, or friendly open-sources projects 😊

More ideas welcome ...


People confirmed

  1. Jyhem (the organizer) (Tiki)
  2. Torsten (Tiki)
  3. Gezza (Tiki)
  4. Jonny (Tiki)
  5. Ines (Tiki)
  6. amette (Tiki)
  7. Anca Luca (XWiki)
  8. Eduard Moraru (XWiki)
  9. Fabio (Tiki)
  10. Marc (WikiSuite)
  • add yourself by writing your username one line above

People interested

  • luci

* add yourself by writing your username one line above

Resources - what's needed | who brings

what's needed who brings
Tiki displayTorsten
beer for a starterTorsten (approx. 30 cans from 2016)
screen (for video/presentation) Torsten if coming with car (likely)
Tiki-shirts rest Torsten (only few left after Budapest (TikiFestHu2016)
100 Tiki-shirts new Jyhem
2 A3 plastic posters Jyhem
Tiki brochures / flyer / leaflets
XWiki stuff

Resources - to buy / to order

what's needed who pays who takes care of purchase
100 Tiki-shirts new Nelson Jyhem (I got them at my place)

Leaflets need preparing and printing

  • We need to review the content (and fix some icons), the page is Promo Sheet
  • We will print them on the Friday afternoon preferably, there are various print shops near the university


How to get there, etc.
See: https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/
The event is Free and free. 😊



See https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/transportation/



Other events

Other events not too long before or after FOSDEM

TikiFest agenda


Day 1 (6th Feb)

  • 10 o'clock meeting (UTC) - late start
  • Custom LESS & themes (tb+)
  • cleanup demo.tiki.org
  • cleanup security.tiki.org
  • link to demo on Promo Sheet
    • will be handled via Wiki pages and MPDF soon, no need to edit SVG now
  • H5P

  • Coding session
    • Images in Trackers
    • Attachments in Trackers
    • Modules management freezing
    • changelog

  • Fix doc/dev Backups
    • nextdoc.tiki.org blocked by a backup bug
  • Fix Composer.tiki.org

  • Community
    • Users approval on community sites
    • fix login on branding.tiki.org (Jyhem said he'll do after the TikiFest)

Day 2 (7th Feb)

  • Docker Intro
  • KIL stuff and autocomplete Wiki
  • Show.t.o v2
    • isolate instances
    • archive instance
    • htaccess
    • security upgrades (disable Tiki)
  • Mother.tiki.org / Tiki Connect

Day 3 (8th Feb)


  • Installer 1-Button Upgrade vs rpm vs apt
  • Webhooks (jb)
  • Translation Workflow http://i18n.tiki.org vs Transifex
  • Blockchain Crypto Thingy
  • Cryptoparty

Day 4 (9th Feb)


  • Departure



Upcoming Events

1)  15 Aug 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
2)  19 Sep 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
Tiki birthday
4)  17 Oct 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
5)  21 Nov 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting
6)  19 Dec 2024 14:00 GMT-0000
Tiki Roundtable Meeting