Tiki Fest Fosdem 2017
«FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world.»
Jyhem has attended for 4 years in a row and confirms that it's huge, it's chaotic, it's fun, and well worth attending.
Most of everything is in english.
In Brussels:
FOSDEM 4 & 5 February 2017
TikiFest 6, 7 & 8 February 2017
FOSDEM will take place at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe, Earth.
Joint stand application together with wikis-oriented communities (accepted)
XWiki and DokuWiki
The Tiki community would like to send a joint application for a booth together with other wikis-oriented communities, like we did very successfully last year for Fosdem2016 with the Xwiki community and the DokuWiki community.
The reasons are:
- it is important and it is required to have at least 2 people on the booth. We plan to be about 6 but there are a lot of conferences and booths we want to see, too.
- There is a lot of competition for booths so a joint application has more chances of being accepted.
- The more, the merrier. After all, we also travel to Brussels in order to meet people.
Get Social
Current status (accepted)
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) has contacted the XWiki, the DokuWiki and the MediaWiki communities.
Who is participating
We need to have 2 people on the stand at al times.
Tiki community participants register below for both the stand and the TikiFest, under the Who section.
Have been contacted: Ludovic Dubost, Vincent Massol, marketing
- Anca Luca
- Eduard Moraru
- Caleb (if talk accepted)
- Aaron (if talk accepted)
Have been contacted:
- Michael Hamann
- Dominik Eckelmann
Nobody from the DokuWiki community could make it.
Application was sent
Answer expected Nov, 15th.
Name of project: Wikis and CMS
Elaborate description of project(s):
The two following Free Software communities would like to ask for a common stand
Wikis are essential tools for online collaboration, open knowledge and
free software. They are everywhere: from the mainstream Wikipedia to a
myriad of public, academic and corporate knowledge bases and personal sites.
We would like to present on a common stand a sample of the Wiki ecosystem, and demonstrate different examples of how wikis can expand into highly versatile software which can power whole intranets or online groupwares.
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (Tiki) is the Free / Libre / Open Source Web Application Platform with the most built-in features. Whatever you can imagine doing in a browser window, chances are Tiki does it.
XWiki : XWiki Enterprise is an Open Source professional wiki with enterprise features such as Blog, strong rights management, LDAP authentication, PDF export, full skining and more. It also includes an advanced Form and scripting engine making it a development environment for data-based applications. It has powerful extensibility features such as scripting in pages, plugins and a highly modular architecture.
Why does it fit FOSDEM?
This is a great opportunity for Fosdem attendees to discuss how to choose a community they would like to join or a software they would like to use based on their actual needs.
This would be a nice change from a stand where only one software is really well-understood and promoted.
Number of tables: 1
Primary contact: Jyhem
Submitter's affinity to the project(s):
I have been a Tiki developper for 10 years.
I am a member of the Tiki Admin Group.
I have been Coordinator of last year's "Wikis and CMS" stand with Ludovic.
I have attended many events jointly with other open-source Wikis in Berlin, Strasbourg, Brussels.
I have been Coordinator of the Wikis devroom in Fosdem 2014 together with XWiki and mediawiki. Ludovic was there.
I have been local responsible of RMLL 2011 (Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre) in Strasbourg where I also held a Wikis stand together with the dokuwiki people.
Both contacts and other supporting people have a lot of experience with how things are done at Fosdem. We have attended lots of times and we have jointly been responsible for last year's "Wikis and CMS" stand and also the Wikis devroom during Fosdem 2014, and we have given talks.
Also, last year's stand was very successful for both us and the public and we stayed until Sunday evening to help clean up and fold tables and chairs.
Secondary contact: Ludovic Dubost
Additional information
Relevant URLs:
Special requirements
Since there will be 2 projects, we would like 2 tables because we expect to have more piles of varied goodies and more than one presentation screen (not absolutely necessary)
If it is not too much work for the organizers, having 4 chairs instead of 2 would be much appreciated (not absolutely necessary).
Application accepted nov, 25
Hi Jean-Marc,
The FOSDEM stands team is glad to be able to inform you that your request
for a stand for Wikis and CMS has been accepted.
There will be one table reserved for you.
We have received almost twice as many proposals as we could accept.
In order to be able to accept more projects, we have reduced most
requests for multiple tables to only one table.
You will receive further information about what's expected of you
closer to the event date.
Looking forward to seeing you at FOSDEM 2017!
Best regards,
Johan van Selst
Reminder of what having a stand implies
As a reminder, this is what the Fosdem site says (https://fosdem.org/2017/news/2016-07-20-call-for-participation/), the deadline is Oct. 31st:
FOSDEM offers open source and free software projects the opportunity to display their work during the event. At its stand, a project can share information, demo software, sell merchandise, give away goodies, and so on, and personally interact with the visitors.
What we offer
one 180x80cm table, positioned in one of the buildings with developer rooms, for the entire duration of the conference. A second table is possible in a few cases, but the pressure on space means this is becoming increasingly rare and needs strong justification. Joint submissions that share a table between related projects will be favoured in the selection process.
two chairs per table
one power socket type C/E (if you require adapters or additional sockets, please bring them yourself)
fast uplink shared wireless Internet access
To apply, please fill out the form at: https://fosdem.org/stands which contains further information.
Questions or remarks? Contact us at stands at fosdem.org.
Key dates
31 October
deadline for stand proposals
14 November
accepted stands announced
Practical information regarding FOSDEM stands
Dear FOSDEM stand organisers,
This email contains a lot of practical information about your stands
during the FOSDEM conference. Please read it completely.
Stands will be located in three buildings on the ULB campus: AW, H
and K. You can find the location of your stand on the FOSDEM site:
Note that the numbers in this list do not correspond with the numbers
in the image that circulated earlier.
Build-up starts from 9:00 on Saturday. Visitors will start arriving
around 10:00, and you can expect it to be properly busy by noon.
The Saturday program ends at 19:00; you're expected to be out of
the building at that time.
It is possible to start on your stand on Friday afternoon. However,
there is no exact time when the tables will be ready - so if you
arrive early, you will have be asked to help us set up those tables.
For the night between Saturday and Sunday, there are overnight storage
rooms in the H and K buildings. You can also leave stuff at your stand
overnight; the buildings will be closed overnight, but we cannot guard
the hallways on Sunday morning. We also cannot provide any insurance or
take responsibility in case of damage or theft. We do have security
staff on campus at all times.
Sunday starts around 9:00-10:00 and the teardown starts at 17:00. All
stand holders are expected to help clean up the area around their stand,
and the tables and table cloths should be returned to the collection
point by the stand holders. Your stand area should be cleared and
cleaned up and the tables returned to the collection point by 17:30.
The tables provided are 180x80cm wide. We also provide table cloths,
but you are more than welcome to provide any on your own, especially
if you have something like a banner for your project. There will be
two chairs provided per table. You may not tape posters to the walls
or windows near the stands.
We will provide you with a power socket. If you require more than
one, please bring extension cables. Note that Belgium uses type E
sockets: http://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plugs-and-sockets/
If you need any adapters, make sure to bring them along.
High-speed Internet uplink will be provided by means of WiFi everywhere.
If you have a device that requires a wired ethernet connection, bring a
bridge device with you.
Keep in mind that our Code of Conduct applies to stand organisers
as well. Read it at https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/conduct/
If you have any further questions, please contact us at
<stands@fosdem.org>. During the event, you can ask volunteers for
information or contact us at the infodesk in buildings H and K;
or via +32 2 788 74 74 in case of urgent issues.
Thank you for your participation and see you in Brussels soon!
Kind regards,
FOSDEM Stands Team
Other events
Saturday and Sunday night WikiSuite events (see: http://wikisuite.org/FOSDEM-2017 )
Developers from Syncthing, Openfire, ConverseJS and Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
TikiFest after the event
Will happen at the airBnB.
Schedule and real list of topics for the 3 days will be decided on monday morning.
Possible topics
See schedule: https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/
There is usually a FOSDEM-organized big Beer event on friday night before the event but it's totally overrated (unless you came alone, you know nobody and you like being crammed with total strangers with no intention of finding your friends). So we should come up with some better plan 😀
Saturday night is usually spent in center-town bars together with people's own, or friendly open-sources projects 😊
More ideas welcome ...
People confirmed
- Jyhem (the organizer) (Tiki)
- Torsten (Tiki)
- Gezza (Tiki)
- Jonny (Tiki)
- Ines (Tiki)
- amette (Tiki)
- Anca Luca (XWiki)
- Eduard Moraru (XWiki)
- Fabio (Tiki)
- Marc (WikiSuite)
- …
- add yourself by writing your username one line above
People interested
* add yourself by writing your username one line above
Resources - what's needed | who brings
what's needed | who brings
Tiki display | Torsten
beamer | Torsten
beer for a starter | Torsten (approx. 30 cans from 2016)
screen (for video/presentation) | Torsten if coming with car (likely)
Tiki-shirts rest | Torsten (only few left after Budapest (TikiFestHu2016)
100 Tiki-shirts new | Jyhem
2 A3 plastic posters | Jyhem
Tiki brochures / flyer / leaflets
XWiki stuff |
| |
Resources - to buy / to order
what's needed | who pays | who takes care of purchase
100 Tiki-shirts new | Nelson | Jyhem (I got them at my place) |
Leaflets need preparing and printing
- We need to review the content (and fix some icons), the page is Promo Sheet
- We will print them on the Friday afternoon preferably, there are various print shops near the university
How to get there, etc.
See: https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/
The event is Free and free. 😊
See https://fosdem.org/2017/practical/transportation/
Jonny has booked a TikiHouse just for the Tikizens, probably an AirBnB, size to be confirmed...
| fri night 3rd | sat 4th | sun 5th | mon 6th | tues 7th | wed night 8th | Remarks
Jonny | X | X | X | X | X | X | Woo!
Jyhem | X | X | X | X | X | X | Same!
amette | X | X | X | X | X | X | Yup!
Gezza | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Torsten | X | X | X | X | X | X | (can you bring a spare mattress T please? ) <= sure! I'll bring an inflating one and sleep on the floor 😉
Fabio | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Marc | | | | | | | I will be at FOSDEM and the TikiFest but will stay at a hotel nearby
? | | | | | | |
Other events
Other events not too long before or after FOSDEM
TikiFest agenda
Day 1 (6th Feb)
10 o'clock meeting (UTC) - late start
Custom LESS & themes (tb+)
cleanup demo.tiki.org
cleanup security.tiki.org
link to demo on Promo Sheet
will be handled via Wiki pages and MPDF soon, no need to edit SVG now
- Coding session
- Images in Trackers
- Attachments in Trackers
- Modules management freezing
- changelog
- Fix doc/dev Backups
- nextdoc.tiki.org blocked by a backup bug
Fix Composer.tiki.org
- Community
Users approval on community sites
- fix login on branding.tiki.org (Jyhem said he'll do after the TikiFest)
Day 2 (7th Feb)
Docker Intro
- KIL stuff and autocomplete Wiki
- Show.t.o v2
- isolate instances
- archive instance
- htaccess
- security upgrades (disable Tiki)
- Mother.tiki.org / Tiki Connect
Day 3 (8th Feb)
- Installer 1-Button Upgrade vs rpm vs apt
- Webhooks (jb)
- Translation Workflow http://i18n.tiki.org vs Transifex
- Blockchain Crypto Thingy
- Cryptoparty
Day 4 (9th Feb)