
History: Roundtable Meeting 2024 04

Preview of version: 13 (current)

Volunteering Facilitator: Marc Laporte



Our monthly meetings are the third Thursday of each month at 14h UTC, so this one is Thursday, April 18th, 2024. 14h UTC (click to check time zone in your location)



See Roundtable Meetings for a detailed description.


First hour, quick news

  1. WYSIWYG and Markdown (boss.ibrahim, emmanuel.masikilizano and josaphat.imani)
  2. Tiki IoT (Bruno or Geoff): https://iot.dev4.evoludata.com/
  3. Tiki IoT, quick update about Drawflow integration https://avan.tech/item105312-Tiki-IOT-Drawflow-integration
  4. Cypht 2.0 and Bootstrap 5 (Alvin)
  5. Tiki Newsletter (@Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist)
  6. UX Improvements of file uploads in editors (and file manager) (John and Josaphat)
  7. Major changes to the @tiki.org mail server (Marc and Sammy)
  8. Tiki27 will require MariaDB 10.5+ and MySQL 8+
  9. ...

put your topic (max. 5-10 minutes) into the list above

Second hour, longer topics

  1. Tiki27 release schedule and process (Roberto and Rodriguez)
  2. Sublist - related searches for linked objects in plugin list (this is significant!)
  3. Multilingual Tracker Fields fixes coming for 27.x

put your topic (max. 15 minutes) into the list above


  • ...

put your follow up action(s) when you're done into the list above

Chat log

(copy-paste from the video-recording for searchability)

Part 1

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Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 0:01:57 https://dev.tiki.org/Farming-Automation Br Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 0:03:32 https://dev.tiki.org/IoT-usage-scenarios Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:03:44 Everyone: If it is not your turn to speak, I suggest you mute yourselves Br Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 0:04:02 https://github.com/gbrickell/Tiki-IoT El Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 0:06:00 https://avan.tech/item105312-Tiki-IOT-Drawflow-integration Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:10:01 https://doc.tiki.org/Realtime Gu Guest: Benoit Grégoire 0:10:40 It is based on mature libraries Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:10:55 Good point El Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 0:11:59 Can real time be useful for background tasks? Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:12:19 One of the latest commits: https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/4530 El Elvis ANSIMA (elvis.ansima) 0:14:59 From laravel docs, https://laravel.com/docs/11.x/queues It seems like Redis, Amazon SQS can be used but not sure how Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:17:07 Next point will be WYSIWYG and Markdown (boss.ibrahim, emmanuel.masikilizano and josaphat.imani) Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:19:40 Hi everyone Be Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez) 0:20:21 Hi all Be Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez) 0:28:03 To illustrate Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:28:11 What if it was in a tab UI (first tab upload and drag and drop files, second tab "Recently uploaded" files)? Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:29:57 It would be also useful if there was a field to upload file from remote URL pasted in it and/or copy & paste image or file from clipboard. Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:30:44 yes, that what jonny said now too Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:30:56 (without need to open the file upload dialog at all) Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:32:00 you are muted B Ga Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy) 0:34:19 This is about using newsletters specifically for tiki.org, right? Be Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez) 0:37:54 Thanks I got my Tiki emails now. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Be Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez) 0:40:43 Bye all, I'm really sorry I have to go. Hope next month I will be able to plan things better. Take care ! Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:41:04 bb B

Part 2

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Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:08:07 lol Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:09:30 TikiFest Spain 2026? Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:09:51 lets plan one Ro Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir) 0:09:59 +1 Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:10:09 (unless there is war or anothe Covid lockdown) Jo Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 0:10:35 Indeed! ๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŒ‘๐ŸŒž Gu Guest: Benoit Grégoire 0:17:48 https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/tree/master/_custom_dist Jo Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 0:20:50 https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/merge_requests/4740 Jo Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 0:24:30 https://gitlab.com/tikiwiki/tiki/-/milestones/6#tab-issues Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:28:37 is not it the part of the rerelase process? Ma Marc Laporte (marclaporte) 0:42:33 https://doc.tiki.org/Sublist Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:45:29 Can SUBLIST be in another SUBLIST? Jo Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley) 0:45:47 Yup ๐Ÿ˜Ž Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:46:06 nice Je Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem) 0:46:47 Why we needed sublist: https://fosdem.org/2024/schedule/event/fosdem-2024-3484-pushing-tiki-to-its-limits/ Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:50:16 great enhancement Jonny Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:50:30 aka fix ๐Ÿ˜Š Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:52:05 good idea for pictures containing text titles Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:53:14 but this is less clicks ๐Ÿ˜ Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:53:25 more simple ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:55:01 yep, good point, lol, that would be quite annoying having all the languages fields Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:55:51 just pput it in the release notes Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:56:01 for updates Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:56:50 thanks Jonny Lu luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ (luci) 0:57:56 gtg now, bye everyone! nice updates and progress! c u next time! Br Bruno Kambere (kambereBr) 1:03:22 Bye bue, see you Ma Marcellin Wabo (mwabo) 1:03:34 Thanks. Bye.


Information Version
luciash d' being ๐Ÿง™ ChatLogs added 13
Gary Cunningham-Lee Added the recording URL. 12
Marc Laporte 11
Marc Laporte At the meeting, we decided to branch on Monday 2024-04-22 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte 8
Jonny Bradley 7
Jonny Bradley 6
Elvis ANSIMA 5
Elvis ANSIMA 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1